It is hard to describe how happy of a day today was for me, but I will try. I envision Father’s day months in advance and look forward to it with anticipation. Lily and the family are so amazing to always accommodate my desires on this special day for me.
First, I went on a bike-ride up South Fork canyon, and had a great time both on the easy parts, and pushing hard up the hill (especially sprinting at the end to try to get up under 20 minutes).
Then I went fly fishing. I didn’t catch anything, but I talked to Jay afterwards and learned a few principles about splitshot and nymphing that will come in handy next time.
Both fishing and biking were so amazing. The weather was perfect and I saw birds, rabbit, and deer. It does my soul so much good to be in nature. I was over the moon.
While I was doing those things, Lily walked Basil and met a new friend who showed her his yard. Here are a couple of pictures she took.

Here is a video I took while fishing:

Then I took the car to the car wash and also vacuumed it out. Then I went home and cleaned the garage. Lily was working double-time to clean the house and make it nice for the family. We both made amazing progress on the home.
Then Lily and I spent almost two hours prepping for a Cobb salad that I have been craving for months. It was so fun to cook with her and everything came out PERFECTLY.
It was SO fun and hearthy to be surrounded by Lily, the kids, my dad and Suzanne, Georgia and Clark on fathers day. Conversation flowed, and it was so wonderful to talk and all be together. Everyone gorged themselves because of how delicious everything was.

Then we gorged ourselves again with frozen yogurt cake from Menchies (I ate so much).

Then my dad read Harry Potter to all of us. I have incredible memories with my dad reading to me when I was a kid (we read Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Princess Bride, books from Lion, Witch and The Wardrobe series etc). It was so fun to all sit together while my dad read. It was super nostalgic and meaningful for me to relive that memory and of course Harry Potter is always just so fun to listen to.

After everyone left, Lily and I helped the kids get to bed, we cleaned up and chatted a lot with Clark. We learned about how well his job is going, and the really smart people he has on his team. They are building data systems and models to help the State of Washington manage their investments. He’s really doing a great job there, I can tell.
Also, at night, the kids gave me the sweetest (and biggest!) Father’s day card ever. I was so touched!

I honestly can’t imagine a better day. It’s really a testament to my family, that I could have such a happy day today. They not only support my alone time fishing and biking, but they filled my heart with joy all the time I was around them. I was so great to add Dad, Suzanne, Clark and Georgia to the mix and I’m especially grateful for Lily and all the work she did today to make it all happen.
I am so blessed!