Today was another glorious day at the Community of Christ reunion. After breakfast, we attended an adult session of church while the kids had kid’s classes. The adult class was all about the vibrant discussion within the community of Christ right now about non-violence. It was a beautiful lesson about how the Community of Christ includes everyone in the direction of the church and about the current emphasis on discussing non-violence which is so important in today’s society.
The kids had a cool craft where they decorated bottles for their orange soda.
Then we had the main church meeting where we sang, had communion and listened to a sermon about taking action, and believing we can make a positive difference in the world (as opposed to being like the John Maher song that says we are waiting on the world to change).

Lunch was a delicious variety of Mexican food (all the food has been fantastic) and afterwards we had KP duty. It was so fun to do my part along side Lily, Lydia, Mary and other wonderful people (Ammon and Clarissa were off playing). I had a flashback to when I was the dish-boy at Gepetto’s and that made it extra fun for me.

After lunch was swim-time (super fun!) and then we hung out until after dinner just talking with people and loving everyone’s company. The kids wanted to stay soooooo badly, but I had a trip to New York the next day so we had to get me home. But Lily also enjoyed her time so much that she told the kids she would go back Monday, so we left the sleeping bags and some other things in the cabins with Lily planning to return with the kids. We have loved Reunion!!