I was up late working, but we managed to get out the door around 8:15. Amazingly, we made it by 10:00 and got to see the train “Jupiter” arrive. Anthony and Malika arrived with their kids about the time that we did. We were SO happy to see them. They are in town from Switzerland.

After we watched the train arrive, the kids worked in their Junior Ranger books while the grown-ups chatted.

At 10:45, we saw the reenactment of the ceremony for when the East and West railroad track-lines were brought together.

Afterwards, we all went to the Spiral Jetty, the most famous piece of art in Utah.

After seeing the spiral, we went to the lake, which was a half-mile hike because the water is so low. When the lake is more full, the water would be all around the jetty.

Afterwards, we all went to Nielson’s Frozen Custard in Bountiful. It was delicious, although it was very hot outside when we ate our refreshments.
We then went home and Lily and I napped. I then stayed up past 2 working.