Today I woke up and got a little work done in the morning and then I took the kids to the Darais pool party. I LOVE the Darais pool party at my cousin Christina’s house. They have a great pool and I get to catch up with so many lovely family members that I haven’t seen in a little while. The kids had a blast seeing family and doing dives off the diving boards (except Clarissa who was too scared).

We spent 5 hours and 45 minutes at the party. We had a lot of fun, ate great food and had a lot of sun. Everyone except Mary slept on the ride home.

At home, I set up our basement oven so that Lily could cook the lasagnas for the dinner we are hosting tomorrow. While I was at the pool party with the kids, Lily was home cooking like crazy to get prepared.

Then I took Mary to a work activity at the Qualtrics suite at the Real Salt Lake game.

It was so fun to spend the evening with Mary. There was great conversation with my work colleagues, a fun soccer game to watch, fun food for Mary to eat (I already was full), and an awesome fire-work show at the end. Here are the fireworks we saw:
At home, Lily had a wonderful time sitting on our front steps and watching fireworks with the other kids. Happy early 24th of July!!