Today was such a fun day. Lily continued working hard on the house while I assembled Clarissa’s new bike trailer and loaded all the bikes for our outing. Then we all went to Park City!
It just so happened that Park City was having a “Park Silly” Sunday market which they have every week. It was so fun and festive. Here we are walking around.

We ate at the market and I think the highlight was the chocolate dipped bananas that were so good!

After eating at the market, we biked the trail starting at the Farmhouse in Park City. Clarissa’s new bike trailer worked wonderfully. There were a few obstacles, like the heat, Ammon falling on his bike, and Mary being super frustrated because the I brought the small Schwinn bike for her that is way to small for her. I need to get a couple bikes fixed up so that some of the kids can jump a bike size, I just haven’t done it yet. Mary felt her bike was way too small, and to make matters worse she then had a bad crash on it. Aside from Mary, everyone ended up having a really fun time, and I promised Mary I would fix the bike situation so she would never have to ride that tiny Schwinn again.

Here are some videos of us biking:

Then we met up with David and Olivia and to see Oslo. Lydia and the girls were in Chicago when Clarissa, Ammon and I met Oslo for the first time, so this was their first time seeing him! Also, I left my wallet in Park City in a backpack left in the parking lot from when I was putting bikes away. Lily was so kind to offer to go back and get it for me, so she joined dinner late. But there was still good conversation with her included. It was so fun to catch up with David and Olivia and learn all about how their lives are going.