Today I was blessed to go on a long bike-ride with my great friend Daniel Olsen. He’s way more in shape than me, so I feel like he’s very patient to have me along. We went over 40 miles, and I was completely gassed by the end. I then dropped off some bikes at the bike shop to address yesterday’s challenges (especially with Mary having to use a bike that was too small) and went home.

Back at home, Lily and I focused hard on organizing again. Lily has completely caught a vision, and she has been energized and highly productive. It’s hard to keep up with her. I help her with the projects, but she’s been cranking on moving her vision forward even when I’m not there helping. Today we focused on deep organizing the piano room (including the closets), the entry way close, and the kitchen. It was so satisfying and everything feels so much more functional now.
Here is something Lydia made that we loved so much, but we just didn’t really know when or how we would use it. We took a picture to remember it. Also, Lily and I both showered Lydia with comments today. She is growing up to be so beautiful, but more importantly, she has a complete heart of gold. She entertains siblings, says kind words to people, forgives when we are stressed and short with her and just overall exudes love. She’s also so profoundly intelligent, introspective, and sweet. Lydia, we love you!