Today I woke up and rode to Lehi on the Murdock trail and back. At home, I loaded the bikes for the whole family and then we all went to Utah Lake. From Utah Lake, we all rode along the Provo River trail, until we arrived at Kneaders where we got lunch (along with Roxberry smoothies). We then rode the whole way back. The entire thing was 16.5 miles! Here are some pictures and anecdotes about the ride.

I am so grateful for all our working bicycles that allowed for this perfect ride. And the weather was magnificent.
We stopped by Cook’s on the way home and did a couple hours of gardening. Actually, while Lily was gardening, I was mostly picking up (one by one) over a thousand blue glass rocks that Clarissa threw in our window wells when she was three. I returned them to our fire pit where they belong. Lily did amazing work planting more flowers and Lydia picked her beets!

In the evening, Lily and I went to dinner with our friends, The Olsens. We ate (for the first time) at the Lakehouse at Deer Creek Reservoir. We loved it and it is now my and Lily’s favorite local place to eat. We had so much fun conversing with our friends.
What a rich and wonderful day.