Clarissa and Lily have really been enjoying the last year where they have full days together. The spend a lot of time working and playing together. Here is a large game of memory:

Also, Ammon is learning a song about the continents in school, and he has been dancing to it.
In the evening, Lily and I went to an informational session about proposition II to split out Orem from the Alpine school District. Our friends Morgan and Jessie were hosting it and Lily and I were genuinely interested in the issue. The presenter was outlining all the reasons why the split does not make sense as well as many of the errors in the DEC report saying the split would be a good thing. A lot of statistics seem conflicting between the two side, but what does seem clear is a vast majority of teachers do not want the split, and I think they are the best sources for what is good for children and our education programs. We hung out with the Attendees and Morgan and Jessie afterwards and then ran around our neighborhood for exercise and went to bed.