Today after work, I helped Nick to move out of his apartment. Some new people moved into his apartment and decided they didn’t like him and made some complaints against him that resulted in an eviction. It’s a very sad story and it has caused him immense grief. I helped put him up in a hotel, and we are storing his things while he gets things sorted out. We are praying that he finds something soon. We love Nick!
I took a break from helping Nick to see Mary perform at the piano finals. She (and Lily) have worked so incredibly hard. Mary did her best, but unfortunately her nose decided to turn on like a faucet and run throughout her piece. It was so distracting for Mary, and at one point Mary took her hand off the piano just to wipe her nose. Mary did not play very well because of the distraction, but she did amazing under the circumstances and it was still a very valuable experience for her. We love you Mary!