I almost didn’t post the picture below because I didn’t realize it was Clarissa! I’m so used to seeing those curls! Ammon and Clarissa had their haircut today. Ammon especially needed one, but he really wanted to keep growing it out more.

Clarissa has really been enjoying this dress Lily bought for her recently. I think it was from Target.

Lily has been finding immense value from sessions with our therapist Vhari. She did sand therapy again.
I’m in Mumbai and surviving. The people are wonderful. The people I’m working are very hard workers, very skilled and professional, sincere and so warm and friendly. They are the best part of being here. The hard parts are the jet lag and fatigue, my incredibly upset stomach and mild headaches and balancing the India work as well my work for my team back home. It’s also difficult to know if I’m doing any good for the team out here. The leadership is so competent here, and most of them have been in sales longer than me and have worked for very legitimate organizations like Oracle or Salesforce before coming to Qualtrics. It has been a challenge to feel I’ve been bringing value just because of how knowledgeable they already are. But the experience is so unique, and I so love having an experience that is so out of the ordinary.