Clarissa and Ammon have still been sick and one of their chief symptoms has been extreme lethargy. It’s very different for these two kids who are normally bouncing off the walls to be so…….immobile.

In other news, Lydia had a check-in today with her speech teacher and she graduated! The teacher said she has made massive improvement, passed the tests, and no longer can be classified as having a speech impairment (essentially kicking her out of speech therapy). Recently, Lydia really started focusing on correcting her “R”s which was her main challenge, and like what always when Lydia commits to something, she conquered.
In the evening, Ammon and Clarissa fell asleep early, and then Lydia and Mary kept an eye on things while Lily and I went to Communal. It was so yummy and I loved talking with her! We got their chicken & dumplings, funeral potatoes and beets. Afterwards, we brought Menchie’s frozen yogurt to Jessie Vandagriff’s house and ate it together while we caught up on life, including the midterm election results (including the great news that Orem is not becoming its own school district). Jessie is so fun and full of life, and we had some good laughs with her. Morgan was at a meeting almost the whole time, but I was able to say hello and give him a hug before we left.
What a great day!