The big headline for today is that Ammon lost his second of his two front teeth today!

Today was a very sluggish, but sweet day. Lily started out strong and ran with Basil, and I slept in which was delicious. Then I finished blogging for our trip while Lily worked in the kitchen preparing for our Friendsgiving with the Flakes tomorrow. I came up around 11:00 from my computer and then we listened to church. The sermon was about trying to be cairns (rock piles) for people in this world, meaning guides that make peoples lives better. There was a business meeting after the sermon and a new pastor, Brittany Mangelson, was nominated and voted in. We love Brittany and are very excited. It’s bitter/sweet because we also adore our old pastor Carla and we are sad that she is leaving in May.
After church, Lily and I took turns, working in the kitchen, feeling tired and taking baths. The kids had their share of screens today, which we didn’t mind since we had confiscated the devices for months prior to this weekend.
Lily worked in the kitchen more and also helped Mary bake brownies while I went to Harmons for groceries. We had rotisserie chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and leftovers for dinner as well as an incredible fruit crumble that Lily made (with vanilla ice-cream). It was a feast.
In the evening, Lily, Lydia and I finished this amazing puzzle that we got from Suzanne. We loved it!

The older girls also helped me clean the upstairs. I also cleaned the kitchen. Lily went to bed early because she was tired and not feeling the best from all her labors of the day (see below) as well as the fact that she thinks she overdid it a bit on her exercise this week and it’s catching up to her. It was a good day!