Happy Thanksgiving! Today was a truly happy day in our home. Lydia certainly caught the Thanksgiving spirit and she made a scavenger hunt for the younger kids that involved notes she had us all write that complimented others in the family, and a turkey named Turkey Tom. She made such creative magic for her siblings.

To reciprocate Lydia’s scavenger hunt, Mary also made a scavenger hunt for Lydia. It was very cute to see them trying to solve the clues.
Below are the clues and compliments (that scavenger hunters would find) from the activities this morning:
After that, Lydia choreographed an entire dance routine with Mary and Ammon! See below! They would later perform this dance for our Thanksgiving guests.
Meanwhile Lily was hard at work preparing for Thanksgiving. For some of the items, she started preparing yesterday. And today she was a true soldier, making dish after dish, happily. Even though it was a lot of work, she was enjoying herself, and she loved listening to Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield while she cooked. I spent the day helping her with preparations.

And here are the results of what she made! Only the turkey gravy, stuffing and green bean casserole were from Harmon’s. Everything else was made from scratch!

For desert we had pumpkin pie from Costco (our favorite! Thanks dad and Suzanne!), chocolate cake from Magleby’s (So good! Thanks Georgia!), pecan pie from harmons, and a beautiful apple pie that Lily and Mary made yesterday. We had ice cream to go with the deserts.s

We had such a good time with our guests. Present were David, Olivia and Oslo, my dad and Suzanne, Jere and Georgia. Conversation and laughter flowed, and a really good time was had by all. It was fun learning about everyone’s life updates and we got some good laughs hearing about the old children’s songbook that David is playing songs from on their piano. Back in the days, not all kid’s songs were very kid friendly, lol.

After David and Olivia left, Suzanne and my dad played Apples to Apples with the kids.

Then Mary, Lydia and Ammon played music pieces for everyone.

We chatted until late. It was hard to say good-bye to everyone on this truly happy day.

Lily said this might have been her favorite Thanksgiving ever. Also, I drove Georgia home, and she was glowing, and spontaneously mentioned how happy she felt. She almost didn’t think she would make it, but a medicine she took helped her to feel better, and then she spent 5 hours with us feeling good. We all had such a great time. Lily, thank you for hosting such magic as you always do, and guests, thank you for coming and bringing your magic to our home. It was a great, great time!