Today, Lily and I went running together. When I got home I did some additional strength training (the 500) and then I enjoyed petting Basil.

Lydia asked for her main Christmas trip to be a shopping trip with her mom. What a sweet wish! Here they are before they embarked to fight the crowds!

And fight they did! Lily told me of one instance when some teenagers (on foot) tried to snatch and save a parking spot she had been waiting for. Lily had to be assertive and she felt bad about that. It’s a jungle out there!
Back at home, I got my dream of having some deep play with the kids. It’s unfortunate to me that I do not do it more. But when I have multiple days at home, it really feels attainable for me to find the time, and today I played Legos with Mary, Ammon and Clarissa for over two hours. We spent the first hour building Lego spaceships.

After we all built our creations, we played for about an hour. The basic plot was that Green Zombie woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided there was too much happiness in the world, so to rectify that, he was going to kill the pizza man, because he delivered too much happiness to the world. On his way to kill the pizza man, he was intercepted by the good team, and shot out of the sky. He didn’t die, but he made it to his bad-team base where he got the bad team fired up and ready to wage war on the good team for revenge. Then a big war erupted. Right at the very end when they were all about to destroy each other, Relsa (Clarissa’s character) gave a riveting speech suggesting that the bad team should try pizza, and if they liked it, perhaps they could agree the pizza man should not be killed and the war could end. The bad team agreed, loved the pizza, and everyone became friends. Here is a video with some of the action.
Lily was pooped when she got home and in this picture she is cuddling with Ammon while looking at some family pictures Mary printed.

Later we all watched the Great British Baking Show while relaxing on the couch. Basil looks really content in this picture resting after his run today.

Lydia looks great in her new clothes and she is so excited about them!