Today started with Ammon taking a cute video of the sunrise.
Lily and I had a slow start today, but once we got rolling, we went running together again. We even did some sprinting which was a lot of fun. When we got home, we got all ready to go get our tree. We told the kids to dress warm and Clarissa put on four dresses. We changed her out of them, but it was a cute idea.

Once everyone was ready, we went to Sun River Gardens to get our Christmas tree. At home, we broke out all the decorations and got to work.

Lily put out fruit, crackers and cheese which made a delectable dinner. I couldn’t get enough of the goat cheese.

We put Ammon and Clarissa down earlier in the evening, and finished up the decorations after they went down. It was a lot of work, and afterwards all four of us relaxed on the couch and enjoyed our work while listening to Christmas music. Then I had some time with just me and Lily.

Here is a tour of our decorations that is having trouble embedding:
What fun to kickoff the Christmas season!