Because of the donor relationship that Lily and I have with the National Parks, we were invited to attend the 100th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting event at the White House. We got the invitation last week, and scrambled to make arrangements. It never could have been possible without my dad and Suzanne who stepped in to watch the kids.
I wrapped up work by 10:00, and then Lily and I finalized preparations and left for the airport by 11:00, soon after my dad came over to watch Clarissa.
One the way to the airport, we bought Lily a winter coat at Cotopaxi as well as some winter accessories to keep her warm at the concert, and a purse to help carry the cookies she made for Louie & Ginny.
When we arrived at the airport, I was delighted that Lily got to try my favorite Salt Lake Airport restaurant, Garbanzo (Mediterranean). We loved it!

In Chicago we saw a sign for the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. That made us happy!

We got into our hotel around 1AM DC time. It was fun to arrive in DC!