Today I worked out again, walked Basil, listened to church and then helped around the house, including setting the mattress for our newly built trundle bed. We are are thrilled with the result, including Clarissa! She thought the mattress looked like an ocean so she used two of her toys (one was a dolphin) to play an imaginary game in the “ocean.” It was really sweet.

Also, below is a project Clarissa did in class showing her veins and heart etc. So cute!

Lily also did a ton of work around the house today (cleaning and tons and tons of laundry folding) and she is still loving her audiobook My Brilliant Friend.
In the afternoon, Lily and I went to Target in preparation for our guests coming. Target trips are always more eventful when the littles come, lol…

We played more games in the evening, and had an overall great day inspire of some of the wear and tear the grown-ups were feeling.