Today was a very eventful day! First, Soren turned 8 today and we celebrated over Krispy Kreme Donuts for breakfast. They were delicious!

Then we all had family photos. Lily booked a room at Shade just five minutes from our house and we used our favorite photographer, Sarah Severson.

At home, the kids, Lily and I got our valentines from Georgia. They arrived on time, but I just today got them from the mail. Thank you Georgia!

Then everyone except Clark (who had a work meeting), Clarissa, Ammon and Meera went snowshoeing. The weather was incredible and the snow was so gorgeous. Swathi, Soren, Louie and I even saw a moose when we split off for a longer hike to see the frozen Stewart Falls. Everyone had fun! The kids who took the shorter route spent time playing in the snow and “renovating” dwelling places in the trees.
After snowshoeing we ate sushi. Lily and Swathi were at Georgia’s during that time because she has been feeling unwell due to a medication change. We love you Georgia and are sorry you weren’t feeling well today!

Then Louie and Ginny did the nicest thing ever and went to Blickenstaff’s to not only buy Soren a birthday present, but also to buy chocolate for all of the children. That was so kind, thank you!

I believe this is Ammon enjoying Soren’s new toy

Then we had more singing and cake for Soren’s birthday.

The highlight of my day was learning an amazing new game with Louie, Ginny, Clark and Lily. Clark, Louie and Ginny had played it before and they helped Lily and I learn. It is called Wingspan. It was so fun and we stayed up until 1AM playing and Louie won!