Today I had a crazy work day. I was going to go into the office, but it snowed almost 6 inches last night so I stayed home because of the roads. Also, the kids had school cancel so they all stayed home. Ammon and Mary had a ton of fun playing legos in Ammon’s room.
Clarissa was very cute and it was fun to have her show me her papers with her coloring and stickers on them between my meetings. Work is crazy right now with some days having over ten meetings in one day. It’s so nice to have these little pockets of joy in the middle of all of it.
After work, I had so much fun playing with the kids. First I played Sculptapalooza with all the kids. We had a blast and there were many laughs.

After putting the little kids to bed, Lily and I taught Wingspan to Lydia and Mary. We all had such an amazing time playing. It was the highlight of my whole day.

While we were playing Wingspan, Ammon was busy writing part two of a story he has been creating. It is so cute!!

Lily spent a ton of time putting the house back together and working on laundry today. Thank you Lily!!!!