In the morning I got up early, did laundry, did Clarissa’s reading lesson with her, did story time with Ammon and Clarissa, helped Ammon with piano, helped Mary with piano, had Lydia practice the harp, and tidied the house.
Then at 10:10 we all piled into the car, washed the car, and picked up some picnic food from Harmon’s before driving to Rainbow Bay for lunch with the Tiemanns. The kids had so much fun all playing together by the reservoir, and we had a wonderful time visiting with Matt and Courtney.
By the end of lunch, though, I was exhausted and came home to nap while Abe took all of the kids to Orem Summerfest. Then he brought home Lydia and Mary so he could march in the parade with Ammon and Clarissa. I gave Lydia a foot massage before the girls got all ready for bed and have been blogging ever since.

Abe and Mary went on this ride.