Our sweet girl, Clarissa, turned 6 today! She’s been looking forward to and asking about her birthday for months. Today her birthday finally came! Georgia had a root canal today that was relatively involved because she went under full anesthesia, so Lily was with her in the morning. But the root canal was a success, and I got a chance to take Clarissa, Ammon and Mary to Ihop (Clarissa’s request) for her birthday breakfast. They even gave her a cup of ice-cream after her breakfast!

At home, I let her open one of her birthday presents, which was a Polly Pocket toy.
Clarissa was opening presents throughout the day, and when Lily got home, Clarissa opened her new sequin backpack, which was something she specifically requested.
While I worked, Lily took Clarissa and Ammon to the trampoline park, “Hang Time.” Clarissa also requested that and since most of the kids are in school now, the place was mostly empty. I was jealous because it looked like so much fun, haha, but I’m so so glad Ammon and Clarissa had a great time.

For dinner, Clarissa got her wish of going to Olive Garden and playing games (without needing to share) on their screen device. Then they gave her a free desert and even wrote, “Happy Birthday” on it.

At home, we sang with the cake that Mary made for Clarissa, but we didn’t eat it because Clarissa already had had about 5 treats throughout the day, including desert at Olive Garden. We decided to save the cake for the next day.
Clarissa, we love you so much. You make us smile, laugh, and feel loved every single day. You are cute, smart, and so determined (you demonstrated so much grit when you learned to ride your bike). We love you so so so much and we hope your 6th year is your best one yet!