Today we had a great time at the First Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake and then we went to my dad and Suzanne’s house for lunch. My dad mad an incredible spread with a salad bar, chili, borsct and split pea soup. It was all delectible and so nutritious.

We hung out for a long luxurious time there, and I also got a nap on the couch, which was nice since I still wasn’t feeling well. Lily and I had a lot of fun talking to my dad and Suzanne, and I also had fun listening to some Jim Croche music my dad shared with me. Lily and I also hung out outside with my dad while we chatted, and rested and while Ammon and Clarissa picked grapes and played. It was sunny and almost 60 degrees, so beautiful! Then David and Ozzy came over, and we all had such a blast with how cute he was being. It was also so great to catch up with David. Here are some scenes from the evening:

Near the end of our visit, Lydia and Mary had so much fun playing cards with Suzanne (and all three of them kept begging over and over to just play one more round, which they successfully secured 4 or 5 times I think).

What a great day!