Lily, Lydia and Mary did more site seeing today. I think Lily said a lot of museum placards were not in English so that could have been better at one of the museums they went to (maybe the one featured below? maybe all the museums?)
Cute turtles!

I don’t know where these pictures were taken, but I’m loving these duo shots of Lydia and Mary! Two peas on a pod!
This appears to be a second museum they saw today.
I don’t know what the building below is.

In other news, Ammon and Clarissa built a fort that they were incredibly proud of today. They really wanted to keep it up an extra day, so I let them. They have been playing remarkably well together. I have been disappearing for hours on end for work, and all the other stuff going on in our lives, and they just play endlessly together. Sure they find their way to some screens and treats, but overall, they are mostly just playing endlessly together and behaving perfectly. I even found Ammon making Clarissa a meal. He put two pieces of toast in the same slot and was so excited at his secret. The bread toasts on one side, but the side pointing in, and next to the other piece of toast stays soft and warm. He was so excited by his creation, and he’s been so helpful in feeding Clarissa when I’m not there. They have truly been the best crew to parent!