Today was a turning point for Lily in Hong Kong. After going to Disneyland (not sure if it was the same day or not), they rode what Lily describes as the most amazing cable car she’d ever ridden. Here are pictures:
Here is what Lily told me over text days later: “That is the glass bottom cable car on the way to the big Buddha. It goes a long long way over forests and over the bay. Over hills of jungle. Leading up to the big Buddha. This was the turning point for me. I loved it! And then Hong Kong became more manageable. Because we figured out the subway. Which is the nicest subway I have ever been on. In some ways nicer than Japan even.”
I was so glad that Lily truly fell in love with Hong Kong. By the end of her time there she was raving about it even though the beginning started out rocky. Here are pictures from their visit to the Big Buddha:

More fun
And lots and lots of pictures of Lydia and Mary having fun at their meal:
Cable ride back:

Being cute: