This was day 2 or 3 for Lily, Lydia and Mary in Japan. It’s hard to keep track especially since with the timezone changes I’m probably mixing up their days a little. For example, in my Google photos I think some of the below pictures are in Kyoto, but I thought their Kyoto day was yesterday. Then again, it probably was both yesterday and today here because of how the timezones work. Anyhoo, here are some more pictures of all the fun they have been having, including a veritable crab feast which they all truly loved:

Nothing too much to report back at home. I’m working like a devil in all directions and started meeting with the new managers I’ll be working with. We also got our new oven today (we switched out the last one when we didn’t like how it looked). Also, the picture on the right made me chuckle. I’m not sure if someone arranged the coffee beans and reindeer intentionally this way, or not, but it made me laugh.
Here are Ammon and Clarissa eating in our Christmas home. We miss you Lily, Lydia and Mary!