Lily, Lydia and Mary continue to love everything about Japan and this was their final day there.
It appears they went to a museum about technology and the planet. Lily told me robot pets are all the rage in Japan:
Then they got to play with cute little animals. I’m not sure where that was or if it was in the same place:
It appears they also went to some kind of market or mall. Lily has told me you can’t get bad food in Japan. It is all so good!!!:
They sure have been loving Japan!!!
Back at home, I had our friend Randy Blosil over for breakfast. I always love catching up with him. He’s on a no carb diet and brought bacon, and I also made eggs and then also waffles with berry sauce and whipped cream for the kids.
I felt very tired today, and so I got some good rest in, but when I wasn’t resting, I was packing the container that was dropped off at my house this week. I very specifically call it a container, because when I kept calling it a “pod” on the phone to the sales person, he kept correcting me saying that “pod” was a branded name used by their competitor, and these were “containers” not pods. When I continued to make the error on the phone, he went so far as to say something like a little piece of him just died when I said “Pod”. It was very amusing.
We had Georgia over for dinner, and we had a delicious (bagged) salad (from Trader Joe’s), leftovers, and also berries and whipped cream for dessert (which everyone loved!). It is always so nice to see Georgia and to have her kind Spirit in our home.

Also, a note on Ammon and Clarissa. They occasionally have their moments of argument, complaining or sneaking candy, but those things are by far the exception. Almost all the time, they are getting along perfectly and politely. They have watched a lot of TV, but they have also had hours on end of deep play making a fort, or casting magic spells (using our Mah-Jong pieces and Wingspan pieces in their imaginary magic game scattering them all over the basement floor), or drawing (they made actual coloring books of their own drawings) or making an incredible creation like this truck (look at the detail!)

They have been such incredible pals, it’s just amazing to see how they treat each other and get along. Also, a quick annecdote about Clarissa. Clarissa is very good listening to her conscience and she often confesses things at the end of the day. Here is the annecdote as I related it to Lily over text:
Clarissa: “Dad, I don’t want to tell you this, but I will. I’m feeling a little bit on the bad side.” “Why is that Clarissa?” “Well I had candy, and there is just this part of my brain [points above her left eye] that is the bad part of my brain and it tells me to do bad things. But the rest of my brain and my heart are my good part and they tell me to do good things.” We then had a whole discussion about good and bad choices, how healthy her self-awareness is, learning and empathy. That girl is amazing.She is really cute and chatty at night when I tuck her in. I’m so glad I captured that one.