Today Lydia had her hair done. She didn’t want to get it done, but some good old-fashioned family pressure did the trick, and I think she looks great! Also, Lily is looking fantastic with her newly darkened eyebrows!
I’ve still been staying at my dad and Suzanne’s place, along with Jere. My dad and Suzanne have been beyond wonderful to us. They have fed us, played with the kids, given us very comfortable accommodations, and of course, they have just been so fun to hang out with and chat with. One of my favorite things I ate was a huge serving of my dad’s salad. He chops up so many different ingredients, and it’s delicious. I’m going to miss being farther away from them!!! But I am so glad we got this deep time with them before the move.

Today I worked and spent time lining up our home insurance and rental insurance. While I was knocking out tasks, Ammon and Clarissa played a little Nintendo Switch. OK, they played a ton of Nintendo Switch. Look at Ammon’s thumb!! I’m so glad they love the Switch so much!

In the evening we went to the Darais Christmas party. I had a great time talking with relatives, eating the good food and then playing basketball at the end. I’m sad I will be farther away from all these wonderful people who are such a beautiful part of my life, but I’m glad I got to spend so much time with them at the party!