Today I found Ammon and Clarissa horsing around in front of the Alexa. Their recording reminded me of really off the wall Gregorian chant, so I texted this video to Lily so she could start her day by seeing it. She thought it was hilarious!
Today, Lily and girls left Manila and went to Coron, Palawan in the Philippines. It appears they had a nice boat ride and that their resort was extremely scenic. It looks so beautiful there!
Philippines Sea
Back at the house, I readied our house for our guests and continued to pack up our container. Ammon and Clarissa had used a ton of game pieces to play shop. They were so helpful to clean it up dutifully, but before they did, Ammon insisted on getting a video of his shop.

Also, while I was packing, I found this cute sign above Mary’s desk. It made me smile. The Deans arrived around 2. After they arrived, I finished up work and then we all got Thai food in the evening, and Chris and I chatted at night. Our kids had so much fun playing together!