Today, Lily and the girls traveled with family to Culion by boat. Culion used to be a leprosy colony and it was where Lily’s dad was raised because his parents were there to help the people with leprosy. His mom was a nurse and his dad was an administrator. Ben, Lily’s dad, was always ashamed that he grew up there, but in truth, it is a beautiful place. Here are pictures of the boat ride to the island:
Here are pictures from their time on the island:
While in Culion, they went to the archives building, and learned all about the history of Culion as a leprosy colony. Lily took a trillion informative photos, but I’m capturing them all here because of how important Culion is to our family history.
Here is some related information from

Here are more pictures from their time in Culion after the archives museum, heading back on the boat, and beach time at their resort.

Back at the home front, I finished packing our container (not Pod). I was very proud of how tightly I packed it, and I took this picture. I did start to worry that I was over the 6,000 pound weight limit though:

When the man from Pack Rat arrived, he picked up the container and weighed it and it came in at 8,000 pounds. My heart skipped a beat thinking I would need to unload a bunch of things, but he said that it was probably showing a little heavier than actual, and as long as he could lift it, he would take it. I was so relieved! I was also interested in how his truck worked.

After loading in the morning, and finishing work in the afternoon, I prepared the fixings for hamburgers (and Gigi peeled and arranged the oranges), and then Chris grilled while I picked up Georgia to come over for dinner. It was so fun to all enjoy dinner together!
After dinner, I dropped Georgia off and then Chris and I took the kids to the arcade. Clarissa went right to her favorite roller coaster ride and Gigi followed. Gigi and Clarissa played a lot of games to get tickets and they both got really fun prizes at the end and Ammon and Caelen played a lot of games together.
After the arcade, I borrowed Chris’ truck and loaded a ton of old furniture we are getting rid of, and took it over to Georgia’s place for her to use as temporary furniture since we are taking almost all of her furnature to Raleigh.
I will also note that it has been really fun having Loki over. Sometimes Basil, gets stressed out because Loki ALWAYS wants to play with him, and sometimes Basil also wants to play and they have a lot of fun together. In either case, I think it is great for Basil to have socialization. Loki is so darn cute!!
Also, as we were wrapping up our day in Utah, Lily, Lydia and Mary were starting their next day in the Philippines. I’m not sure what these photos are of, but here they are!