Clarissa’s gift for Lydia: Here is a really cute videa about a gift that Clarissa is making for Lydia:
Our Sunday Outing: We had a wonderful outing today. First we went to the Methodist church, which was a very positive experience. We were invited by our new friends and neighbors, Tom and Lib Campbell, and they were so kind to look out for us, and show us around when we arrived. The sermon was wonderful and it really impacted me. It was about how we can be honest with ourselves about what needs to change and embark on a journey of self-transformation with God. Afterwards, we helped pack bags of food for children who need more food. The whole experience was very rewarding. After church, we all went to eat at the Flying Biscuit. It was delicious and Ammon was very proud of his coffee creamer tower that he made while waiting for the food:

We checked out shops like Sephora while we were in the plaza and grabbed this photo:

We also went to an incredible antique story that everyone had fun in. Ammon and Clarissa were very good and got compliments from the store manager. Ammon got a couple of star wars figurines, and the girls got a nice piece of doll furniture to share. What a wonderful outing!
Kids Playing: One of my favorite things about our children is how they play together. Tonight Lydia organized everyone into a beautiful game of imagination. Here is a video Lily took to capture some of it: