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Welcome shy kitty! Today we picked up Stilton from his delightful owners. The husband cried at their parting, which was truly sad. But it did cause us to also feel that we chose a great cat. We chatted at length with the prior owners/breeders. They are wonderful and they have come to feel more like friends than vendors. We also ate again at Bojangles and loved it. When we got home, we let Stilton out of his crate and he immediately crawled under the display case. He stayed there until the next day and Basil stayed in his crate so that he and Stilton could get used to each others’ smell before meeting. Basil was seriously stressed out at the cat smell. That was especially problematic since he’s been so stressed out lately anyway. I think he hasn’t fully settled down from the new move, and also the windows in this home go much lower than the windows in the old house. That means he can now see everything in the front and back yard, so he’s constantly barking at things he sees, which he did not used to do. Lily is going to get him on anxiety medication soon because he truly is stressed out!
Zenful Clarissa: Clarissa has been loving the yard, and today we found her meditating in it. She explained to us that she wasn’t meditating, but rather, “I was breathing deeply to be calm and to try to remember, because I’ve only remembered one and a half things from my life.” I thought that was truly sweet.