Walking Home: Mary has loved her routine of walking home (made possible by her new Gabb watch) and today she walked home with both Ammon and Clarissa!
Death & Taxes and Lily’s Pneumonia: Lily and I have loved having date night every Thursday night and tonight we went to Death & Taxes. It’s another Ashley Christenses restaurant (like Beasley’s and Poole’s Diner). We loved it, perhaps even as much as Irregardless. The beet dish was especially incredible. Unfortunately Lily wasn’t feeling the best and was feeling progressively worse throughout the evening so we didn’t linger. But we did enjoy our date together. Lily has had a lingering cough since her Asia trip. She likely has pnemonia and the doctor gave her an antibiotic. We are thinking Lily must have viral pnemonia because the antibiotic doesn’t seem to be helping much. Some days she feels better than others and today she just wasn’t feeling great from her sickness and also probably from some other things going on. We are all hoping she gets feeling better soon!