Clarissa’s Bed and Raleigh Dump:

Clarissa’s Bed: To our benefit, the lady who sold us the house left behind a lot of furniture, including a king size bed. We decided to put it in Clarissa’s room so that it could convert easily to a nice guest room. This has been fun for both Lily, who has loved making the king bed look beautiful with bedding, and also Clarissa, who seems to love her giant bed. Here are pictures of her enjoying a fairy book on her big beautiful bed:

Raleigh Dump: Lily found mouse droppings in the garage on or by the steps, and that (combined with Georgia’s and our concern that bugs would get in her things in the garage) accelerated our cleaning of the garage. Today, I picked up a Uhaul truck which Lily scheduled and threw all of our waste from the move in it. After it was loaded, Lydia joined me going to the dump. We chatted about the book she is reading (Emma) and other fun things, and we both thought the dump was very interesting. It was extremely smelly, had tons of seaguls (and even some bald eagles!), and was generally an intersting site to see:

At home, I put almost all of Georgia’s things in our garage in matress bags, so it should now be a much less interesting place for mice and bugs!

My Trip in Utah, Pullen Park and my Birthday Dance

My Trip in Utah: I’m still in Utah, and today I had dinner with Georgia and spent time with Courtney and Matt. It’s been a great trip. Yesterday I also had dinner with Georgia, went shopping and spent time with Daniel Olsen. It’s been busy, but very happy. I’ve also been enjoying work. We’ve had large leadership sessions and I really appreciate the way my manager uses the time to direct us in working sessions that result in tangible decisions, direction and action-items. So far I’m really liking my new role.

Pullen Park: Today Lily took the kids to Pullen Park. It looks like they had a lot of fun!

My Birthday Dance: When I got home, I shined and waterproofed my chukka boots and Ammon and Clarissa helped me, which was fun. Then all the kids performced a birthday dance for me that Lydia choreographed and directed. I loved it! I was so touched. They practiced a lot and really gave me something special!

Lydia’s Craftiness:

Lydia’s craftiness: Lydia is very talented. She crocheted this mask in class and Lily and I were both very impressed. Tomorrow she and her siblings will share with me a birthday dance she choreographed and directed and in a couple days she will start on a giant famly tree project. I love her creativity!

Playing Together and Being Welcomed.

Playing Together: I was in Utah today for work, and I also got the chance to visit Georgia today and my parents (last night). Back at home, Lily enjoyed the park with the kids after school. The kids have been playing so well together, and the play is often organized by Lydia. Here is a picture and video of the kids at the park.

And here is a picture of a page they created as part of one of their games. They are so creative!

Being welcomed: Also the kids have been making new friends at school and overall have found everyone to be very welcoming. Here is a page someone made for Ammon at his new school:

White Presbyterian Church, Neighbors, and Umstead Park

White Presbyterian Church: Today we took a break from the heavy pushing on the house, and went to church at the White Presbyterian Church near our home. The kids all seemed to love their classes, and Lily and I were amazed at everyone’s kindness. So many people helped us to find our way around, and everyone seemed so interested in helping us connect with the community and get launched in our lives in Raleigh. It was a wonderful experience.

Our Neighbors: They way we found out about the White Presbyterian church was through our neighbor Sherry. And the way we met our neighbor Sherry is quite remarkable. One of the first days we were in Raleigh, we toured Lacey, the school for Ammon, Clarissa and Mary. It turns out the principal, Sherry, is our neighbor! On the school tour, Sherry came and talked with us for a solid 20 minutes to make us feel so welcome. And she did it during a time when she was crunching to get things done before a ultra early wake time for a ski trip the next day! She engaged so meaningfully with us and the kids and we felt so grateful to have her as our principal and neighbor. We also saw her husband, Eric, at Irregardless, that very same night after the tour! I had already chatted with him, and he also is so nice. Also, our neighbor on the other side is also named Sherry. She is also so nice, and has made concerted efforts to make us feel welcome, not only taking time to talk with us, but also giving us a lovely neighbor gift. She also regularly dog sits a beautiful Burnese Mountain Dog for child, and today (Feb 5) she came over to our house to chat with Lily while the dogs played together in the yard. We feel so welcomed into our community and it has been truly special.

Umstead Park: We are also blown away by the nature that is so close to our house. Today, as a family, we walked Basil in Umstead Park. It was a much needed break from setting up the house!

Lydia and Mary’s Helpfulness

Lydia and Mary’s Helpfulness: Lately, Lily and I have been regularly marveling and how wonderfully Lydia and Mary have turned out. Today Lily sorted her clothes in her new closet, and the next day, Mary would organize her desk and help Lily finish the big job of fully organizing the closet. They have been immensely helpful in moving in! Also, here is a fun Christmas list from the past (I think Christmas 2022 maybe?) that I found from Lydia. She’s adorable!

The Secret Garden

Our yard reminds me of the secret garden in that there are many different paths, trees, plants, artifacts, rocks, nooks, birdhouses and places to sit and explore. The kids have loved exploring the yard and playing in. Lily anticipated that their imaginations would have a lot of fun in the yard, and today I caught it in action.

Moving In

Moving In: We have been very busy unloading containers, putting box contents where they belong, arranging furniture (with help from the movers), buying the furniture we lack and otherwise getting situated. The kids have had very distracted parents and have either been helping, been on screens, been playing in our incredibly enchanting yard, playing in their new spaces, and even building a giant fort (which may have been inspired by a Bluey episode). Here are some scenes from today:

Irregardless and Tons of Unpacking

Irregardless: Today we went to Irregardless as a family. We had been before when we visited Raleigh and we loved it. Lily and I loved it again so much that we went again a day or two later on a date night. Their Vegan Paea is to die for!

Tons of unpacking: The first of three Pack Rat containers arrived today. We had movers to help us unload it (and the next two as well). We were very busy processing all the boxes we unloaded. It was so fun to have the kids help. Here is Clarissa!

Arriving Home!

Today Lily and the kids arrived in Raleigh!

I think this is the Salt Lake airport, but I’m not 100% sure

We went straight home from the airport, ordered food and started to set up the house. It was very fun to all be in our new house. Lily and I just love it so much. I think that once it is set up and the kids transition to their new lives and the fun things here, they will be in love with the home and Raleigh also.