Back to Hong Kong, Ammon and Clarissa being goofy and help from my dad and brother

OK, I’ll start with this. Ammon and Clarissa were goofing around with a suitcase and we (my dad and I) got these great videos:

I also packed the container almost all day today. I and seemingly everyone else that sees it for the first time thinks there is no way we can fit all of ours and Georgia’s things into three of them…..but they can fit a deceptive amount of things, and I’m now thinking we will make it. I packed for a lot of Saturday and still was not even close to half done filling it. Then my dad and Jere came around 2:30 and helped me until 9:30 or so. Together we cranked out so much good work and go the thing 85% full. There help was so game changing. I had so much fun being with my dad and brother (and we enjoyed Via 313 pizza together), but the thing I’m most grateful for is the way they helped an underwater family member get more on top of the task at hand. Thank you again dad and Jere!

Lily, Lydia and Mary had another 24 hours or so in Hong Kong en route to the Philippines so they got to have more time there. They really love Hong Kong and Lily raved about their tea. They got to do a high tea experience and it was a wonderful experience for them. Apparently Hong Kong really knows how to do tea. Not only do they have incredible tea there, but they are very expert on how to seep, how to have the right size cups etc etc. Lily was raving about the whole tea experience.

Here are more photos from their time in Hong Kong:

Final day in Japan, Breakfast with Randy, Dinner with Georgia, loading my “container”, and gushing about Ammon and Clarissa (Their truck and a story about Clarissa’s conscience)

Lily, Lydia and Mary continue to love everything about Japan and this was their final day there.

It appears they went to a museum about technology and the planet. Lily told me robot pets are all the rage in Japan:

Then they got to play with cute little animals. I’m not sure where that was or if it was in the same place:

It appears they also went to some kind of market or mall. Lily has told me you can’t get bad food in Japan. It is all so good!!!:

They sure have been loving Japan!!!

Back at home, I had our friend Randy Blosil over for breakfast. I always love catching up with him. He’s on a no carb diet and brought bacon, and I also made eggs and then also waffles with berry sauce and whipped cream for the kids.

I felt very tired today, and so I got some good rest in, but when I wasn’t resting, I was packing the container that was dropped off at my house this week. I very specifically call it a container, because when I kept calling it a “pod” on the phone to the sales person, he kept correcting me saying that “pod” was a branded name used by their competitor, and these were “containers” not pods. When I continued to make the error on the phone, he went so far as to say something like a little piece of him just died when I said “Pod”. It was very amusing.

We had Georgia over for dinner, and we had a delicious (bagged) salad (from Trader Joe’s), leftovers, and also berries and whipped cream for dessert (which everyone loved!). It is always so nice to see Georgia and to have her kind Spirit in our home.

Also, a note on Ammon and Clarissa. They occasionally have their moments of argument, complaining or sneaking candy, but those things are by far the exception. Almost all the time, they are getting along perfectly and politely. They have watched a lot of TV, but they have also had hours on end of deep play making a fort, or casting magic spells (using our Mah-Jong pieces and Wingspan pieces in their imaginary magic game scattering them all over the basement floor), or drawing (they made actual coloring books of their own drawings) or making an incredible creation like this truck (look at the detail!)

They have been such incredible pals, it’s just amazing to see how they treat each other and get along. Also, a quick annecdote about Clarissa. Clarissa is very good listening to her conscience and she often confesses things at the end of the day. Here is the annecdote as I related it to Lily over text:

Clarissa: “Dad, I don’t want to tell you this, but I will. I’m feeling a little bit on the bad side.” “Why is that Clarissa?” “Well I had candy, and there is just this part of my brain [points above her left eye] that is the bad part of my brain and it tells me to do bad things. But the rest of my brain and my heart are my good part and they tell me to do good things.” We then had a whole discussion about good and bad choices, how healthy her self-awareness is, learning and empathy. That girl is amazing.She is really cute and chatty at night when I tuck her in. I’m so glad I captured that one.

More fun in Japan, Team Lab Museum and Hang Time with Ammon and Clarissa

Lily, Lydia and Mary are still absolutely loving Japan. They started the day by visiting this museum:

Then it appears they had tea and went on a nature walk. I think these experiences were at the location of the museum they just saw, but I’m not sure:

This appears to be a gift shop for the museum they just saw:

Here are more scenes of their adventures before going to the next museum:

Then they went to another museum. Here are the pictures:

Then they had fun at Shibuya Crossing which reminds me of Time Square:

Here is more content from their adventures that evening:

So many vending machines!

Check out their sleep pods!!!

The next day for them (but still the same day for us), they went to the Team Lab Museum. Lily said it was one of the most amazing experiences of her entire life. They girls also loved it immensely. Lily described it as “euphoria”. I don’t know exactly how it all worked, but I know they downloaded an app, and the exhibits were highly digital, but also included natural elements like water. In one exhibit, you walk through water, and when you touch fish (digital), they turn into flowers. It was incredibly immersive, and it was a major life highlight for the three of them. There is one in Miami we are excited to all go to as a family. Here are the pictures and videos from their time there:

This next part had the water and fish that turned into flowers:

Meanwhile, I was having fun and Ammon and Clarissa at Hang-Time (at literally the exact same time Lily and the girls were in the Team Labs museum):

Still Loving Japan

This was day 2 or 3 for Lily, Lydia and Mary in Japan. It’s hard to keep track especially since with the timezone changes I’m probably mixing up their days a little. For example, in my Google photos I think some of the below pictures are in Kyoto, but I thought their Kyoto day was yesterday. Then again, it probably was both yesterday and today here because of how the timezones work. Anyhoo, here are some more pictures of all the fun they have been having, including a veritable crab feast which they all truly loved:

Nothing too much to report back at home. I’m working like a devil in all directions and started meeting with the new managers I’ll be working with. We also got our new oven today (we switched out the last one when we didn’t like how it looked). Also, the picture on the right made me chuckle. I’m not sure if someone arranged the coffee beans and reindeer intentionally this way, or not, but it made me laugh.

Here are Ammon and Clarissa eating in our Christmas home. We miss you Lily, Lydia and Mary!

Mary gets lost, Japan rocks, and I’m very busy.

I did not have too much to report from my side today, so let’s dive right into Lily, Lydia and Mary’s first day in Japan!

[Writing this from the next day] Yesterday I talked to Lily right after my massage and learned that they took a bullet train to Kyoto, and Mary fell asleep on the train. Lydia moved from being next to Mary over to sitting by Lily, and when the train stopped and Mary had awoken, she didn’t see anyone, thought Lily and Lydia had gotten off the train, and so she got off too. Lily and Lydia continued on 89 miles to Kyoto and when they were going to exit they realized Mary was not on the train! Lily was panicked, but not for long, because the train station officials were quickly able to help her (after navigating the language barrier and possibly never fully understanding why Mary was 89 miles away from Lydia and Lily). They called the station where Mary got off, located Mary and brought her to Lily and Lydia. We were worried that Mary would have been very afraid and sad, but actually she was just fine. She found an official, and they sorted out the situation, and then Mary talked to a lady who spoke English about nails and was shortly reunited with the family.

Lily, Lydia and Mary were already in-love with the city, but this incident just drove home the point. Japan is so safe, so organized and so helpful. It is literally one of the only places in the world where this type of situation could have gone so smoothly.

The language barrier is intense (even more intense than Hong Kong because even fewer people speak English), but everything is safe, clean and organized, and the people are wonderful. Lily did tell me it was hard at times to eat though as you aren’t allowed to eat on the streets, and places close promptly after lunch time, and don’t open up for afternoon tea until later, so if you are looking for food in the wrong time window it can be difficult. Food is also expensive and Lily has been stressed about that, but I hope she stops worrying. I think Japan is just a little more expensive of a place to be. They loved the iconic scenes that they saw both in Tokyo and Kyoto. Here are some pictures and a video of them at the dog cafe!

Kom Tong Hall and Still Loving Hong Kong

Lily, Lydia and Mary went to Tong Hall today. They are still loving Hong Kong. The Kom Tong Hall used to be a building for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but now is a museum of sorts for Chinese Nationalism. Lily said it was full of propaganda, yet she had such a powerful peaceful feeling come over her that she said he had a profound spiritual experience.

Here are other scenes from the day:

Then it was time for Lily, Lydia and Mary to pack up from Hong Kong and head to Japan.

Lily told me there was some drama at the airport. Lily accidentally timed things wrong and got to the airport late and there was a huge line. Lily asked an airport worker for help, and the worker said Lily was too late and that her ticket had already been given away. Somehow she knew that without knowing any information about Lily or her ticket it seems. Then Lily explained she was traveling with two kids, and the worker declared that surely she still had her tickets and they weren’t given away and that person fast tracked her through the line and Lily, Lydia and Mary caught their flight. Due to this drama Lily planned on doing things differently in Tokyo (her next flight) and going to the airport at night and resting in the airport before her early morning flight. Sounds exhausting!

In other news, the kids wanted to go to Burger King and I obliged. I completely forgot about how much I love their impossible whoppers (I got another one the next day for myself as well), and we all enjoyed dinner. Clarissa cracks me up with these videos Ammon recorded of her. I walk to Burger King…..

Falling in Love with Hong Kong: Cable Car, and Big Buddha

Today was a turning point for Lily in Hong Kong. After going to Disneyland (not sure if it was the same day or not), they rode what Lily describes as the most amazing cable car she’d ever ridden. Here are pictures:

Here is what Lily told me over text days later: “That is the glass bottom cable car on the way to the big Buddha. It goes a long long way over forests and over the bay. Over hills of jungle. Leading up to the big Buddha. This was the turning point for me. I loved it! And then Hong Kong became more manageable. Because we figured out the subway. Which is the nicest subway I have ever been on. In some ways nicer than Japan even.”

I was so glad that Lily truly fell in love with Hong Kong. By the end of her time there she was raving about it even though the beginning started out rocky. Here are pictures from their visit to the Big Buddha:

More fun

And lots and lots of pictures of Lydia and Mary having fun at their meal:

Cable ride back:



Being cute:

Disneyland Hong Kong and Finding Renters

Today was a very exciting day for everyone.

For Lily, Lydia and Mary, it was exciting because they went to Disneyland Hong Kong! They loved it!. They said that Frozen land was amazing. Here are some pictures!

We also had a super eventful day back at home. The day started with a yummy and fun breakfast with Todd, Casey and Kora joining us at Maggelby’s. I love Maggelby’s!

Then we went home and I took Ammon to and from math class. For the rest of the day until 3PM, I was racing around the house getting it ready for potential renters to look at, and loading some boxes into our packrat container while I was at it. The house was in great shape a week ago when we got the photos taken, but it took a solid five hours to get things sparkling and tidy for the walkthroughs (while also getting some packing done for moving).

The walkthroughs went so well. Both Lily and Charity (our property manager) have been amazing. They drove everything to get our house posted online to drive applications. And we were so fortunate because for the first people who looked at our home, it was a perfect fit. Their family needs were a perfect fit for our home. By the next day I had spun up contracts (with the help of Derrek, our friend/lawyer/ and Charity her husband TJ) and we had signatures. I couldn’t believe how fortunate we were!

After all the showings, we took Georgia to the Olive Garden. It was so nice to see her. We had a great connection over dinner and I really enjoyed seeing her. What a great day it was!

Once again, Ammon and Clarissa were such champs. After their big breakfast at Maggelby’s they had almost no food the rest of the day. I was paranoid about even a crumb getting out of place with the rental showings coming up, so I mandated no food until dinner. They only whined a little (and understandably so), and then they were rewarded with a great dinner at Olive Garden and Menchies once again. What great kids they have been! This has been an unusually busy and intense time for me, and Ammon and Clarissa have been understanding, self-sufficient, creative, and kind. They have been so helpful.

Also, we got to catch up with Lily, Lydia and Mary, while we were driving around. Lily commented on how beautiful Clarissa was and took a picture of the Facetime screen from their conversation together.

They played outside today

More Hong Kong

Lily, Lydia and Mary did more site seeing today. I think Lily said a lot of museum placards were not in English so that could have been better at one of the museums they went to (maybe the one featured below? maybe all the museums?)

Cute turtles!

I don’t know where these pictures were taken, but I’m loving these duo shots of Lydia and Mary! Two peas on a pod!

This appears to be a second museum they saw today.

I don’t know what the building below is.

In other news, Ammon and Clarissa built a fort that they were incredibly proud of today. They really wanted to keep it up an extra day, so I let them. They have been playing remarkably well together. I have been disappearing for hours on end for work, and all the other stuff going on in our lives, and they just play endlessly together. Sure they find their way to some screens and treats, but overall, they are mostly just playing endlessly together and behaving perfectly. I even found Ammon making Clarissa a meal. He put two pieces of toast in the same slot and was so excited at his secret. The bread toasts on one side, but the side pointing in, and next to the other piece of toast stays soft and warm. He was so excited by his creation, and he’s been so helpful in feeding Clarissa when I’m not there. They have truly been the best crew to parent!

Hong Kong Adventures

I had no photos on my end today, but Lily, Lydia and Mary sure had a lot of adventures. Here are a lot of photos along with some narration which is me piecing things together the best I can based on what I learn when I catch up with Lily.

On Views: Lily, Lydia and Mary went to a viewpoint called the Peak. I think that might be the first three photos, but I’m not sure. They were blown away by the views of jungle meeting, and intermingling with sky-scrapers. It looks amazing!

On Textures: Lily knows I love textures and she told me that she took pictures of a lot of amazing textures that she knew I would love. Boy was she right!

On Greenery: Hong Kong is so green! Just look at all this lush vegitation!

Boat tour: