Today was a super happy summer day. I woke up and did the budget and then I exercised with my 500 workout (more like a 276 lol). After that, Lily and I took Ammon and Clarissa to the Scera swimming pool It was a gorgeous 96 degree day that was perfect for swimming. While Lily swam laps, I took Ammon and Clarissa to the different water features, to the water slide, the lazy river and even the diving board (Ammon can do flips off of it!). I also played a fun game involving chasing a bad guy that Ammon made up. I felt good, and the whole thing was so fun, and it was delicious to get all of that sun.
At home, Lily and I showered ourselves and the kids and then tidied the house for a little bit. Then we took Ammon and Clarissa to Summerfest.

I got really woosey on the tornado (above) and was grateful the next ride (below) was a lot more mellow.

After enjoying the different rides, we got the kids corn dogs and snow cones. Within minutes, Clarissa and Ammon’s snow cones were dripping right through their cheap paper cups, making a mess and making them very hard to eat (by the end Ammon’s had a giant hole at the bottom, which I’m sure he helped create). I went back to the snow-cone stand and asked for two more cones because the liquid was leaking right through and the lady told me that she cannot give me another cone because they take inventory and they can’t give out any extras. I just walked away because I could feel myself getting unnecessarily angry. After cooling off, I brought a dripping cone with me as evidence and pleaded for more cones so my kids could actually eat them properly. Her supervisor was standing there and allowed her to give me two one cent cups. Lol. Wow. I work for Qualtrics, and we help companies provide good customer experiences. That certainly was not one, but it does make for a good chuckle when I think back on it. The lady was simply trying to do her job, so I definitely don’t fault her.

While the kids ate, we watch a super entertaining production by a group of youth singers and dancers. They even performed a song from “Newsies!”
Then Lily dropped of me, Ammon and Clarissa to walk in the Summerfest Parade to represent Arches. Because we were number 70 in the procession, we waited an hour in the heat (almost 100 degrees) waiting for our turn to get going. While waiting Ammon and Clarissa were mesmorized by some people in costumes that were representing a haunted house. The talked and talked and talked about them even the next day.

Finally when things got moving Ammon and Clarissa had so much fun walking and passing out candy to people. I face timed Lily in and she was so amused watching these adorable little kids engage with the crowds of people.

After the parade, Clarissa started to cry and said it was so fun that she didn’t want it to end. And later when I asked her if going to the parade was more fun than staying home and watching TV she said, “a little.” Lol, I guess TV is a close second to a parade and also worth crying over (which we have also witnessed).
At any rate, we ended the day at Zuppas with Lily (who picked us up), and overall we just felt super super satisfied at a day full of family, fun, and outdoors, and very few, if any, screens. What a great summer day!