Today I slept in (Lily and I stayed up late watching Yellowstone) and then walked Basil. I grabbed a couple of pictures while I scratched his belly. He loves that.

While I was doing all that, Lily was working out, and Lydia and Mary were recreating pieces of art from the Chicago Art Museum (which they are about to visit). Here are Lydia’s recreations. I’m not sure if Mary finished hers because I never saw them.

After that, I showered and Lily and I took Ammon and Clarissa to Ikea. We ate lunch there, made returns from our purchase last week and got ice-cream. It was a very fun outing. I also bumped into my friend and old co-worker, Shane Smith. It was so nice to see him!

Then we went to Barnes & Nobles for some things for Lydia’s party and we got some things for the yard from Lowe’s. After that, I went straight to home church at Whitney’s place in Vineyard. We gave Lydia and Mary a choice to go with me or do something else for their soul, and thy chose to listen to A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I loved home church as I always do.
At home, Lydia and Mary showed me the incredible things they made in the crafting room while they listened to Charles Dickens.

Then we all went to Noodles and Company and picked up food for ourselves and our friends, Chris and Jen. They are moving to Baltimore the day after Lily and the girls get back from Chicago and we wanted to see them one last time before they leave. We had a really nice visit with them and saw their new 37′ Montana trailer that they will be living in for the next little while until they decide where they will permanently settle. It was a beautiful trailer. It was so great to see them!
At home we put the kids down and I worked at my computer while Lily took a bath. It was a great day!