
Today had a lot of pictures, so brace yourself. In the morning, we watched The Princess Diaries because it features San Francisco. It was a hit for kids and grown-ups alike.

Then we went to a delicious breakfast Jere picked out at a place called, “The Grove”. On the way, Jere and I had fun launching Ammon and Clarissa.

Breakfast was superb, and the great weather made eating outside really pleasant.

I had a leaf bug in my salad!

Then we went to Alcatraz. Jere was excited to go too because he has never been. He almost went on a date their, but when his date tried to buy tickets she accidentally didn’t press the button to purchase them, so he hasn’t gone yet.

Alcatraz was amazing. Everyone except Clarissa had a audio-tour with a handheld device. We learned about famous prisoners, sad stories (one prison went to Alcatraz for stealing $16 when he was broke and hungry, and also there were segregation and racism issues), crazy stories (the time prisoners caused a ruckus over declining spaghetti quality, and people who had escaped their cells), living situations of the prisoners (cell was about 5’X9′, there was a field for sports, prisoners often had hobbies) and more.

field for sports
One prison was an artist
It was crazy how small the cells were. These particular cells had an extra door for extra security and there was a wall blocking most of their view out of their cell.
Ammon’s favorite part of the tour was the audio-tour
There were some prisoners who escaped and made paper mache replicas of their heads which they left in their beds to make the guards think they were still in their cells. People aren’t sure how they got out, but some think they used spoons to carve the vent holes to their room to be big enough to fit through (if I understood the story correctly).
Visiting booth
Example menu at Alcatraz. The dining hall was the most dangerous place since so many dangerous people are all in a room together with kitchen utensils. The knives in the kitchen had carved out silhouettes behinds them so employees of the prison could instantly tell if a knife was missing (more than one went missing). The dining room was equipped with toxic gas that could be deployed if needed, but it never was. Even with the near revolt over the declining food quality, the warden was able to get people to behave by smashing in windows and brandishing a pistol.

We saw a lot of seagulls on the island. Here are a few shots.

Right after the prison was decommissioned around 1964 (due to deterioration from the harsh elements on the island and the great costs associated with keeping everything in good repair), Native Americans occupied the island to assert the rights of Native Americans. They painted the message above on the water tower. The occupation eventually ended and the writing on the water tower was removed, but the National Parks Service recently had family from the originally occupying tribes write the message a new so people can remember the occupation of the Native Americans on Alcatraz.

So now for my favorite part of the entire trip to Alcatraz, and I apologize I went overboard on the photos. I LOVED the brick and rock walls at Alcatraz. The colors and textures were all so fascinating. I went to a Modern Art museum the day after and commented to Lily that as amazing as the museum was, no modern art there was as impressive to me as the amazing art I saw in the walls at Alcatraz. See below for what I’m talking about.

Lily was our tour guide outside and used her map/guide to help us all learn.

View from Alcatraz

After Alcatraz, we got to experience the hills of San Francisco first hand as we walked almost a mile to lunch. Clarissa fell asleep I ended up carrying her up a super steep hill.

We ate at Tony’s and it was incredibly good. That restaurant has won awards for pizza even in Italy. Clarissa slept through the whole thing and has no idea we even stopped for lunch.

After a late lunch, we drove down Lombard street, a crazy steep street that zig-zags all the way down (and has a Bill Cosby bit about it), and then drove to another delicious restaurant to have dinner with our friends Jon and Shirley (and their two kids). We were pretty full from our late lunch, but still the food was super enjoyable and it was so fun to catch up with our friends. We love them so much. I talked with Jon about our jobs among other things and Shirley and Lily also caught up. Also, the kids (especially Ammon) had a lot of fun playing with their adorable girls.

Tahoe and San Francisco

Drove to Lake Tahoe last night and got in late. In the morning everyone woke up early, except for Clarissa, who was dead to the world for a full hour after everyone was awake and active (Ok, I was in bed and not active).

We rallied (especially Lily who did the lionshare getting the kids ready), packed, and headed out the door and we were off shortly after 8:15.

We then explored Lake Tahoe. I’ve wanted to see Lake Tahoe for a long time just because I hear about it so much. I didn’t really know what to expect, but it definitely over-delivered. After driving around where the State Parks are on the Lake, we stopped and hiked Eagle Falls. It was a perfect 1-mile loop. It it was a little tricky with some of the snow still there, but all-in-all it was the perfect pace and length for everyone. It was so beautiful!! It was hard to know what pictures to cut, and I know I left way to many. Sorry reader!

Lily loved the red wood of this tree
Ammon is smack dab in the middle of a ninja phase. This is his meditative, ninja-warrior hero pose I’m guessing.
We loved the huge pine-cones!
We got to stand on a bridge right over the falls!
Lily and I loved this tree so much.
Lydia is still doing the splits a lot!

Everyone did a really good job walking and when Clarissa got cranky, she was cheered up enough by her walking stick and stepping in puddles with her puddle jumpers that she was able to pull through to the end.

After the amazing hike (my personal favorite part of the day), we saw an incredible overlook (Inspiration viewpoint) nearby.

It was amazing driving around Lake Tahoe and seeing all the damage from the fires from last year as well. Enough was untouched by the fires that we got to see really gorgeous scenery. But we also saw a ton of dead burnt trees that told the story of last year’s fires. It was very dramatic to see.

We then left Lake Tahoe and drove to San Francisco (eating delicious Chipotle on the way.

Once in San Francisco, we went straight to see the sea lions at Fisherman’s Warf. Mary had a stomach ache (we think from the car ride) so she missed the first 15 minutes of watching as she relaxed with Lily, but then she got feeling better and still got to see a lot. It was so hilarious to see one super lazy doc with a bunch of lounging sea lions and then another doc where there was a lot of fighting action. Pictures and videos below!

This big fat black sea lion was quite a site to sea and also had an impressive bark

the lazy dock
Beautiful Lydia and the dock on the left is the “fighting dock”

After seeing sea lions, we went to the carousel which, of course, Clarissa was dying to do.

Lydia expressed how ridiculous she thought it was that I made her wear her seatbelt

After the carousel, I took Mary to “Lefty’s” the store for left handed people and she picked something out. Then we got some yummy mini-donuts and went to Boudin Bakery Restaurant (famous for sourdough bread). Mary got noodles, but everyone else got delicious soup in a breadbowl. The whole experience was so nice and a good rest from all the walking and activity.

Here Lily is playing a game with Ammon to help pass the time before dinner.

After dinner we went to the Ghiradelli chocolate square to get desert. Clarissa was having a hard time walking there especially when we got to the grassy hill just before our destination (the grassy hill is in the picture below). I threatened that she would not get her chocolate desert if she did not walk, and then she pointed her arm straight ahead, salute style, and said, “chocolate” and commenced walking. It was so funny.

We learned how chocolate is made while we waited for our desert to be served.

Mary drawing a pig in her new notebook.

After Ghiradelli’s the kids did an amazing job walking all the way back to our car. It was so fun looking into all the shops along the street in the wharf area on the way to our. One store was a candy store, and we all got a kick out boxes of candy they were (jokingly) advertising as breakfast cereal.

Ammon got very excited by this giant transformer we saw at the entry of Ripley’s Believe it or Not

Then we drove to my brother Jere’s house. On the way, we listened to Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore which Lily and I are absolutely loving, and especially like because it is about San Francisco. We are almost done. When we arrived at Jere’s we put the kids down and then chatted with Jere for a solid hour about Utah Lake, the Great Salt Lake, Cromwell (who he’s reading about), books Lily is reading and other topics. I was reading Jere’s Far Side (Gary Larson) book in the back ground, and I got a great laugh from everyone when I shared the comic showing two mosquitos with one of them being puffed up like a balloon and attached to a human and the other one saying, “pull out Betsy, pull out you’ve hit an artery!” I also chilled in Jere’s room while blogging and we chit chatted. It is so fun to spend time with my brother.

Today was completely magical and I loved every second. More adventures tomorrow!

Of Fluffiness and Flexibility

Lily talks periodically about how she is not all-to-impressed with Basil’s appearance. Others in the household disagree, but our case was not helped by Lily’s chat with a doodle-enthusiast who called Basil “unique”, commented on his stubby legs, said she shouldn’t have brought kids with her to pick him out (hinting that way should would not have brought him home), and even thought the spots on his paw might be a disease (we have no reason to believe it is). Anyhoo, Basil went to the groomers today, and even Lily has to acknowledge, that our little Basil is looking mighty fine.

In other news, Lydia has enjoyed playing with camera settings and also working on her ever-increasing flexibility.

An Awesome Sunday

It’s now Monday, and this morning I thanked God for an awesome weekend. The weather was absolutely exquisite. With the warm weather after a long winter, a part of me felt like it was waking up after a long hibernation. I felt alive and happy this weekend.

In the morning I blogged and worked on the budget. Then I washed and vacuumed the Subaru and talked to my aunt Andrea. Lily was listening to an audio book for a lot of the morning. She also took Basil for a very long walk and let him play with some doggy friends they found along the way. Lily said she chatted with a very charming doodle enthusiast, who was also direct and said that our dog was a bit unique, especially with how short his legs are, lol.

Clarissa and Ammon played all morning together or by themselves. I bought them some sticker books last week and they have absolutely loved them. Here is Clarissa happily stickering:

Ammon and Clarissa had a lot of fun building creative artistic snacks they wanted me to judge. Ammon got “most composed” and Clarissa got “most interesting”
Ammon and Clarissa also built a huge fort that they were so excited to show off

Then we all cleaned the house. Ammon had asked me to play Ninjas so at the end of the family cleaning session, we did one final chore, “ninja style”. All four kids and I had to empty all of the trashes in the house into a large plastic garbage back and take it to the green trash bin and put the bin on the curb all without Lily or any neighborhood people seeing us. Ammon especially was into sneaking around going from place to place to accomplish the mission. We pretended the trashes were crystals to power our space station and once they were on the curb, our friends could pick them up for the space station, but if anyone saw us, our cover would be blown. Everyone was really into it (even Lydia to some-extent, who joined late). I loved playing with everyone. Lily played along perfectly. She pretended to be busy on her laptop and not see anyone, which delighted the kids (even though she obviously could clearly see people at multiple junctures).

After that, I took Ammon and Clarissa to home church at Whitney’s house. Lydia and Mary got a pass since they attended the funeral yesterday. I spent most of the time helping watch Ammon and Clarissa, but I also got to chat with various people which I loved doing just because I love that community so much. Ammon also got hit in the face with a softball and his nose bled and he cried, but he was fine after ten minutes.

After church I got Subway and then I took everyone biking. I practiced learning to bike with Clarissa and chatted with Emily and Matt Kahler, and even Adam and Lydia Barlow and their kids who showed up at the end. Lydia, Mary and Ammon loved biking all around. The Kahler’s brought a ramp and wrestled with whether or not to let Ammon try. It was a stressful decision, and Lily said she trusted me to make the right call. I eventually let him try (thank goodness for the Kahler’s idea to move the ramp by the grass because I was about to let him try on the asphalt), and he took a tumble and hit himself in the private parts. He was back to biking within a minute, but told him no more ramp after that.

Below Ammon is expressing his inner ninja. He intentionally dressed like a ninja for our ninja game earlier and then wanted to keep wearing the outfit even after the game was over.

Also we saw an incredible sunset. Meanwhile, Lily was at home also looking at the sunset and having a deep moment of pondering and reflection.

Neil Giles came over in the evening to give Lydia some birthday brownies, and Ammon was so excited to tell Neal about his adventures like the bike jump and also running and jumping off the bike ramp etc. Neil was so sweet to let Ammon effuse.

It was a really really fun day.

Norman’s Funeral

My uncle Norman passed away last week and today was his funeral. I took Lydia and Mary, and Lily, who’s back is still hurt, stayed home with Ammon and Clarissa.

I loved catching up with my Darais relatives. They make me so happy. The service was so beautiful. There were flowers, memorabilia, and pictures of Norm everywhere. After a viewing and family prayer, we had the funeral service.

I love funerals so much because they always help me to reflect on the beauty of life and what is most important. I feel I always leave a better person, and that was especially the case because of how inspiring of a person Norm is. Below are some of the highlights of the funeral for me:

  • Norm was generous. I list this first because it was the most common theme throughout the whole service. The following examples were mentioned of Norm’s generosity:
    • Norm going to work in grubby clothes so he could go straight to his brother Chris’ construction site after work and help him build his new house.
    • Norm buying a piano for his granddaughter who wanted play piano, but her parents didn’t have money for a piano.
    • Norm letting a neighbor kid do yard work for him as a way for him to pay for his fly-tying class with his son Danny.
    • After Norm’s brother Mark suggested crossing the street to avoid a fundraising booth, Norm said, “No Mark, I know how hard it is to raise money, let’s go see what it’s about” and they went to the booth and donated.
    • Norm helping his little brother Chris learn how to be a good student in college and taking him to the library early to study with him.
    • Norm taking a class that Chris was in as an elective just so he could help tutor Chris in it.
    • Norm sharing vegetables in his garden with so many people and even driving long ways to share them.
    • The list of kind and generous things Norm did in his life goes on and on an on.
  • Norm was a complete perfectionist. He was both an editor (eventually chief editor) and son of Alex Darais (who was an intense perfectionist) so it was no surprise. He would correct he kid’s usage of words and also sometimes had a hard times making a decision due to his perfectionism. There was a hilarious story about how he went shoe shopping and couldn’t decide on a pair of shoes to buy. There was a shoe-salesman helping him and after a long while with shoes and boxes strewn all over the floor, the sales-person said to Norm, “Norm, can you tell me who sold you the pair of shoes you are wearing right now.” Norm looked confused and said, “why would you like to know that?” The salesperson replied, “because I’d like to shake his hand”. I got a great belly laugh out of that story.
  • Norm was funny. He loved making puns, and he loved making sure other people understood them even while his beloved wife Judy rolled her eyes.
  • Norm was a true intellectual. He had memorized poems, Shakespeare and quotes and he could brilliantly weave them into conversations. He was incredibly well read and attended the Shakespeare festival every year.
  • Norm was competitive. There was a great anecdote about how Norman and Chris were the kings of ping-pong on BYU campus, and how people tried to beat them in doubles for 10 years, but nobody ever could.
  • Norm loved the beauty of the world. He loved art, and he could even just admire a black piece of glass and would show others how in the sunlight it was actually purple. One of the things that touched me most at the funeral was something that Danny, the closing speaker said. He said that his dad, Norm, saw the beauty in everything around him, but he struggled to see the beauty of the most beautiful thing of all which was himself. Dan expressed remorse for not having had told his dad more often how much he loved him and how beautiful he was, and he asked the audience to memorialize Norm by making sure we are telling the beloved people in our lives they are beautiful and that we loved them. I was so moved by Danny’s words.
  • Lastly, I just want to mention how touched I was by the palpable bond between Norm and Judy. Her pain and loss was so vivid, and it was a testament to the deep love she shared with Norm. At the end of the viewing, she got up one last time before they closed the casket to kiss his forehead. She completely broke down in those final moments of the viewing and I just thought about every day they shared together. The life they created together. Just the sacredness of being a part of each others incomings and outgoings and ups and downs. How special love is. I was so moved at what they clearly shared together. I don’t know the details of their relationship, but what I saw was enough to know how deeply they loved, and continue to love each other.

After the funeral was the burial and my dad gave a wonderful grave dedication that was heartfelt and moving. It was preceded by Mark playing “Blowing in the wind” by Bob Dylan on his harmonica. Then we all returned back to the church for a luncheon.

At home I took Georgia home, chatted with her and picked up Spicey Thai. Back at home, I relaxed and spent time with the kids. Ammon and Clarissa did a really cute dance to the Gummy Bear Song:

In the evening, I spoke with my cousin Alexander for almost two and a half hours. He’s going through a really hard time, but the conversation was meaningful for both of us and I’m glad I was able to talk to him.

Family Photos Provo Mall Dance Performance

We got our family photos back today from Sarah Severson. We love them! Here are some highlights:

This whole week was incredibly intense for me at work. I even lost my cool and got mad on a call, which I rarely if ever has done before. I’ve been working into the nights working on two deals that we are trying to get before the end of the quarter. I’ve also been doing a lot of self-reflection about my tendency to jump in and make things happen instead of coaching my reps to execute at the level that I expect. It has definitely been a week of stretching, learning and growing.

I took a break from work to help get the kids ready with Lily for their dance performance. We arrived at the mall on-time and I was able to get some chicken and fries before the show. Ammon and Clarissa played on some of the kiddie rides while we waited for our food.

And as always, we loved watching the kids perform. Tonight only Ammon, Mary and Clarissa performed.

Dinner with Family and Aladdin

This morning we had a wonderful time at church meeting new people and discussing the principle of faithful disagreement.

After church, my mom treated dinner for my family and David and Olivia for my and David’s birthday. It was so wonderful catching up with everyone and connecting. We talked about David and Olivia’s baby which is due soon, Bitcoin, Netflix shows, Putin, Hawaii, skiing, mom’s business and more. We also loved the restaurant so much!

My mom brought notebooks to draw in and pens for all the kids and that kept them entertained while waiting for food (except for Lydia who was reading). The gifts were exceptionally timely since I accidentally left Clarissa’s activity book at church.

At home we all watched “Waking Ned Divine” in the spirit of St. Patrick’s day since it takes place in Ireland. It is a very adorable Irish comedy, with the typical Irish edge of dark humor. But overall, it was very feel-good and funny. We thought David Kelly was brilliant, and we especially thought the scene with him riding naked on the motorcycle was hilarious. It was so fun too snuggle and watch a show together, especially considering the inclement weather outside.

After watching the movie, Lydia continued working with the rest of the children on their Aladdin production. She has choreographed and entire show and I’m so impressed. She has kept the other kids occupied for hours this weekend as they have been practicing. At times she was exasperated trying to get the young ones to cooperate, but in the end, it all came together and I was so incredibly impressed. I’ll share the videos first and then the pictures:

Also, Lydia did her harp practice at night and I caught a video of her piece which Lily accompanies which I love so much:

Goodbye to Norm and Carnival of the Animals

Yesterday my uncle Norman passed away. Here are some words I wrote to my dad after his passing:

“He is a great man, and I’m so impressed by the combination of his heart, intellect, humor and education. My favorite memory from him is how he always advised me to take food items in odd numbers at a buffet. It’s maybe my earliest memory of him, along with his smile. I will definitely miss uncle Norm and I’m so glad I got to see him recently at the recent party Danny and Jenette hosted.”

I will definitely miss Norm and I’m so grateful some of his formal faculty (when he was Chief Editor of BYU magazine) put together a book of Normisms that is such an amazing repository of witty or wise things he said, quotes he liked, or other memories of him.

In the morning, Lily took Lydia, Mary and Ammon to Carnival of the Animals symphony/ballet production at Abbravanel Hall. They were delighted to bump into Amy and her kids there, and they all caught an organ show together afterwards.

Meanwhile, I was on a super-fun lunch date with Clarissa.

I also said hi to my dad and Suzanne after lunch at their house and then I picked up Lily and the kids and headed home to drop off Basil to stay a couple of nights at his boarding place (since we are doing a lot in Salt Lake tomorrow).

At home, I was busy cleaning, and just being around which was really nice. I also had a staring contest with Lydia.

Lily has been reading a ton, which she loves, and still nursing her pulled muscle in her back.

Also, Clarissa has still been very talkative at night (and generally). Lydia has choreographed an entire dance routine covering multiple songs from the Aladdin soundtracks (see tomorrow’s post), and here you can hear Clarissa singing “Speechless” from Aladdin in her bed (a solid 20 minutes or more after I put her down if I remember her correctly).