Ammon’s Worksheets, Art Class, Fishing with Soup and Friends

I woke up at 5:40 this morning to play basketball. After arriving at the gym and finding no one was there, I went home and did a stationary bike-ride. I then did a run to the dump to get rid of a lot of boxes and things that accumulated during Christmas time. At home Lily and I made breakfast for the kids (avocado toast and waffles). I took Lydia and Mary to school which was really fun.

Back at home, I worked with Ammon for over an hour to finish his book 4 writing book. That was the book he missed doing in class while he was in North Carolina and Greece. It is so nice to finally be done with it, and he worked really hard to get us there.

Here I am helping Ammon with his worksheets. He did great! Also, I’m pretty sure Clarissa took this picture because it is in the middle of a string of non-nonsensical photos she took. But I’m glad she got this one, and did a good job on too!

While I was doing that, Lily was practicing an arrangement to accompany our friend Courtney at the funeral of Courtney’s father-in-law. Courtney came over to sing while Lily played, and they sounded amazing!

I then rested with Lily, and then our marathons began. Lily did a bunch of shopping and made a killer lentil soup, and packed the food for our outing and got Ammon and Clarissa all dressed. On my end, I got the fishing poles ready, packed the car with cooking gear, chairs etc, printed my fishing license and other fishing info and then studied the lesson to teach Mary’s art class just in time to race off and teach it.

I LOVED teaching Mary’s art class. First of all, it’s very cute to me how shy Mary is. When I said “hi” to her in class, she gave me a very quiet and small wave. I had a great time teaching the class. It felt very natural, and I loved cracking jokes, while still guiding the class through content. It was fun for me and I really felt in my element. We were learning to draw faces, and I also loved learning the content myself because I love art, but have had very little training myself. I had a great co-teacher, Allison Bender and the kids were so adorable and well-behaved. They really tried to get their faces to turn out. Some were better than others, but most all gave it a solid effort, which is all you can hope for learning something the first time through. Here is Mary’s self-portrait that she drew. I love it!

Right after teaching Mary’s art-class, I drove Lydia (who talked to me the whole way about a boy she now sits next to who gets on her nerves, but maybe isn’t so bad) and Mary to Utah Lake to meet Lily, Ammon, Clarissa and Amy, Emerson, Isabel, Indy, and Hawthorne. We were there to ice-fish. The ice was on the thin side (still about four inches) so Lily and Amy took the kids to a very shallow area to play on the ice while I went to a dock and drilled holes, set up the fishing area, and set up our new camping table (thanks Lily), the stove and the food station and got the soup and water heating.

Everyone joined me just as the soup was warm and the poles were ready. Lily was in heaven serving her home-made soup and bread, cookies and hot-cocoa on a doc over a frozen lake. I also had a really great time, but felt disappointed that we didn’t catch anything. I especially wanted Amy’s kids to have the experience of catching a fish. There were other people there that did incredibly well. I chased one of them down to get advice and learned he was using wax worms and a type of jig head I’d never used before. He was so nice and he gave us his wax worms, and we tried fishing another fifteen minutes, but still had no luck. All in all, it was awesome to spend time with Amy and her family, the weather was great, the lake was beautiful, and perhaps best of all was the incredible warm soup we got to fill our bellies with in the cold evening. The experience was wonderful.

Still, I came home with defeat on my mind. Lydia wanted to keep talking to me at home (because she continued talking to me on the way home about her crushes, which she mostly has to keep life interesting, and asked if I had crushes in school etc), and even though it was so fun talking to her in the car, I told her I was on a mission and needed to focus. I spend the next hour assembling our fish-finder. I made progress, but still need some more time to fully figure it out. I hope having a device that literally tells me exactly where fish are will help us next time. If it doesn’t, I jokingly told Lily tonight on our walk that I might literally lose all of my self-esteem.

I should also mention our kids are staying up way too late these days and Lily did an incredible amount of cleaning, dish-washing, and tidying and now is doing yoga.

Here are pics from the day!

First day 2022

Lydia is incredibly festive, and is very insistent about properly celebrating holidays. As a result, Lily and I were up at midnight, and I did our annual banging of the pots and pans on our porch to ring in the New Year. Even though I cherish my sleep, I do love that tradition, and I’m grateful for Lydia’s persistence in helping us make a memory. Here is a video:

Lily and I got up around 9AM today. I ran Basil hard with my Dogout workout (run to park, 4 times around the softball diamonds and 30 pullups and then run home), and Lily did the stationary bike. Then I worked with Ammon on school work and got ready for the day while Lily started on lunch. She made the most incredible mushroom Polenta and beet & feta salad and I roasted chicken-sausage. We set the table nicely, and it was so fun to have a nice family meal on New Years’ day. We went around the table talking about our favorite day from the previous year. The kids all mentioned Basil, and Lydia also said Disney World. Lily’s favorite memory was Chicago with the older girls, and my favorite memory was backpacking with the kids. Then we talked about goals for the New Year. Lily wants to be alive and healthy in one year. Mary wants to travel outside of North America. Lydia wants to get better at dancing, and Ammon and Clarissa had silly answers. My aspirations are in yesterday’s blog.

After lunch, we all watched the 1990’s movie Sabrina, with Harrison Ford in it. We want to watch a lot of movies set in France in preparation for our Paris trip in the Summer. Lily watched that movie a lot growing up and loves it, and I enjoyed it a lot also.

Afterwards, I worked hard getting all the Christmas decorations put away and organized, and I also organized the garage. Lily worked even harder working with the kids on their instruments, getting them back into the swing of things after having a break from serious supervised practice. Then I played with Ammon, Clarissa, Lydia and Basil. Ammon built a castle/fort out of the couches and blankets and such. We pretended he was a bad-guy, Clarissa was the Queen, I was a wizard, and Lydia was in charge of Basil who had to lick someone’s face if they were dead to bring them back to life. We pretended to fight Ammon, the bad guy, for a solid twenty minutes before we wrapped things up and put kids to bed. When the older girls went to bed, Lily read to them the Shakespeare play As You Like It in preparation for them all seeing it with Amy and her children in February.

Lily and I then cleaned another hour or so, and then wound down (I watched Seinfeld while she continued cleaning and then she read Big Magic).

Today was super productive…almost too productive, meaning I know I will be very tired tomorrow. I have my sights on a lazy Sunday tomorrow. Happy New Year!

New Years Eve

Lily snapped this shot when I proclaimed how great it is to work from home. This is, in fact, the outfit I started work in. I eventually cleaned up, hahah.

Honestly, it has been a tough couple of weeks for me at work. Two weeks ago, I seemed position to be hundreds of thousands of dollars over my annual quota. We got a series of bad news, and so my last two weeks I have been frantically trying to find a way to hit my annual number, especially because I’m up for promotion, and hitting my annual number is very important for my chances of being promoted.

In the end, I barely missed my number. But, I feel peace, because I feel as I grow older, I’m getting better perspective. I wrapped work up at 3, played with Ammon for an hour, played a little with Ammon, Clarissa and Lily, helped Lily clean the upstairs and then watched the 2005 version of Charlie and the chocolate factory (we watched the original yesterday) with Lily and the kids. Then we looked at blog entries from this year as a family for over an hour (maybe two?). Just being with my family, and reviewing with them all the wonderful things we did together this year was such a wonderful thing for me to do to remind me yet again of what really matters in my life, and what I really love.

Lily has been reading frantically because she realized a couple of days ago that the number of books she has read this year is no where near up to her standard. I think she’s on pace to read or finish around ten books in three days. Go Lily!

Also, Lily like to talk about the things that bring us irrational amounts of joy. For Lily, one of those things is bedding. I’m not sure why she took this photo (or if it was her that took it), but in any case, it’s a great excuse to proclaim Lily’s love for bedding 🙂

Next year I want to spend more time playing with my kids, I want to stay in shape, I want to be more present and supportive for Lily, I want to read more, brush up on my spanish, spend more time with God and with myself in contemplation and studying inspired writing. I want to keep practicing guitar, do well at work, enjoy every moment more, slow down, and most importantly, cultivate and nurture relationships with the people I’m blessed to be surrounded by. There are so many wonderful people in my life. I want to appreciate each day, and not take anything for granted.

My tag line for this year is, “there is no reason why you can’t enjoy every moment.”

Now time to bang the pans with the kids.

Happy New Year!

Harry Potter

I recently started reading Harry Potter to the kids. When I was growing up, my dad used to read to me and my brothers. He read us Black and Blue Magic, the Princess Bride, the series for Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and the Lord of the Rings. It’s so fun for me to keep the tradition alive. The older girls especially love this time and always beg for more, and I have been really enjoying the illustrated version of book one with them. It is such a great book!

Cozy Day

With people being sick and it being cold outside, we’ve been having a lot of cozy time. Here is Lily reading to Clarissa and Ammon and Mary enjoying the white-boards they got from my mom, in the Christmas bags she gave them.

Soup and Dancing

Lily has decided to start cooking a lot more. She bought tons of groceries and today she made an absolutely delicious cabbage, bean noodle and chicken soup.

Also, the kids continue to dance, and Lydia has been adorable doing choreography with the other kids.

Darais Christmas Party and Gingerbread Houses

Lily wasn’t feeling well today, so I took the kids to the Darais party. It was so nice to see my extended family and chat with everyone.

Here are a couple parts of the program I captured on video:

We were gone for about 4 hours (party started at 3), so when we arrived home, there was concern that it might be too late to do gingerbread houses. I instructed the kids to give Lily their very best puppy dog faces and see if Lily would oblige. Lily obliged 🙂

We had lots of fun making gingerbread houses and decorating gingerbread cookies!


For Christmas, Clarissa got a new night-light bunny that changes colors when you press buttons on a remote control. Lately I’ve been tucking her in with the remote, and I was tickled to catch this picture:

And speaking of beds, here is Lily being cozy in her gnome sheets which she is completely in love with:

A Nice Day

Since I’ve been so busy working on deals for the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate and its starting to get a little less busy, from about 9:30 to 11:30 today, I was with Lily, Ammon and Clarissa and we drove to Big Springs trail in South Fork and walked for about an hour. It was so nice and we loved looking at the ice crystals on the ground.

Afterwards, I went back to work and Lily worked getting the house looking really nice. Also, a tree consultant came over to give suggestions on what trees to plant where and that was really exciting.

In the afternoon, Lily and the kids had a playdate with Amy and her kids, I took my first ride on my mountain bike with my boss, Brandon, and also Clarissa started feeling sick. She’s been super sleepy.