Even though Ammon threw up last night, I still made my appointment to play basketball (it’s a hard group to get into, and keeping appointments is how I stay in the rotation, plus I was dying to play). Lexy, our nanny we occasionally call on, came in the morning so I could play basketball and so I could attend early meetings while she took the kids to school.
But she was only scheduled to help until 9:30 and she couldn’t stay longer, so I worked from home so I could watch Ammon while I worked. I got through my work day in time to pick up the other kids from school. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with Ammon. I thought it was food poisoning, but I couldn’t be sure. His school has a strict policy about kids needing to be symptom free for 24 hours no matter what it is. Also Lexy had concerns about nannying for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday because she also helps another family and she didn’t want to spread anything. Also, we had plans to go to a movie today right after school and I couldn’t decide if I should take Ammon or not. I called Lily in a moment of a little bit of panic, and she helped talk me through things.
In the end, Lydia and Mary went with Emily, Eli and Choe to the movie (Sing 2), while I paid the $25 to get it streamed to our TV so I could watch it at home with Ammon and Clarissa, so they didn’t have to miss it.

Also, I was thinking it was probably food poisoning because of how fast it came on after the salmon, but Lexy told me that even if it wasn’t, she felt ok still helping if only Ammon was sick and it wasn’t something sweeping through our whole family. That was a huge relief. So things worked out and settled down by the end of the day. I was so exhausted by the end of the day from my early start and exercise, work, and all the decisions and logistics that I just rested until 9:45 PM. Or, I tried to, except to my great frustration I was frequently interrupted, including once by Lydia who decided to listen to Bill Cosby on full blast so she could hear it over the bath she was making for herself. I came running up from the basement very frustrated (that was probably the 3rd or 4th interruption). Finally from 9:45 to 10:15 I had some quiet time with the kids down to just let my cortisol drop. I then spend 2.5 hours working on the house, just the messes from the day, the dishes, and the upstairs which was quite a scene. My hope was that with the house in great shape, I could ask our nanny to keep it that way (and to my great delight, she did). I got to be around 1AM. At some point during all of this, I sent Lily a simple text message, “I respect you so much”. I love when I have to solo it for a while because it always reminds me the huge efforts Lily has put in throughout the years, so often by herself, and today I even had morning help from a nanny!
Here are some more pictures from Lily’s trip with Jenn!
Georgia O’Keeffe museum (isn’t she amazing!)

Another museum: