I drove Ammon to school this morning and here he is with Clarissa being cute in the car on the way there.
This has not been a great week for falls. Georgia fell today, and Lily went to see Georgia. Georgia was in a spell at the time, so Lily returned later to take her to the urgent care for X-Rays. We felt so bad for Georgia who was having such a hard day, but it seems like there aren’t any breaks, which is very encouraging, but we may get another X-ray just to be safe if anything seems to be bothering her in a day or two.

I had Clarissa at home while Lily was helping Georgia. We had a tough moment when I refused to play baby spiderman for Clarissa on TV because episodes are only 5 minutes and I wanted something that would take her attention for much longer. She had a big tantrum, but eventually calmed down. Then she sat on my lap while I sent recruiting emails. She was so cute. She’s looked at people’s LinkedIn profiles, get really excited when she saw a female, and would ask question like, “Dad, will that person respond to your email?” It was so cute.

When Lily got home, I found a hole in my schedule for a quick swim with Lily and Clarissa. The kid pool was closed so Lily and I focused on helping Clarissa remember the things she had learned from swim lessons in the summer. She was so incredibly cute in her goggles, that Lily and I lamented the whole time that we didn’t bring our phones to take pictures. Thus, when we got home, we put Clarissa goggles back on and snapped some pictures.

After I worked some more, I picked up all the kids early from school and then took them to the dentist where we met Lily who had still been with her mom, but came to get her teeth cleaned and then went back to her mom. We all got our teeth cleaned and checked. Only Lydia has a follow-up appointment for some extra work.
In other news, Lydia has been displaying a rather impressive eye roll when I say something ridiculous like a bad dad joke. Examples below:

After driving everyone home from the dentist, I did homework with Ammon, helped Lydia with her homework, and helped people get on instruments.
In the evening I called everyone to the front porch because there was the most incredible sunset

I also fed people dinner (Lily’s amazing leftover soup) and then drove them to dance. Then Lily arrived from being with her mom and took over on the home-front.
I worked late to make up for work-time I missed during the day, walked with Lily (which was awesome!) and also noticed Lily and Mary having the most incredible hour-long practice until late at night working on her concerto.
Lastly, there are three anecdotes I have been meaning to capture in the blog. These are cute things some of the kids have said in recent history:
About one month ago, Ammon said the following: Mom, I’m really sad for Mary. Who is she going to Mary because I want to Mary Lydia? Lily then explained to Ammon that you cannot marry someone in your own family. Ammon then said, “well mom, who did you marry?” Lily explained that she married me, and Ammon protested, “But mom, you can’t marry someone in your own family!” It’s so hard for a youngster to grasp all the complications of human life, lol. I thought that was so funny.
9 or so months ago (others tell me it was longer ago than that), Clarissa was eating those little oranges called cuties. She announced, “more cuties please.” We told her that we did not have anymore cuties, and she stated, “I want a new family.”
3 or so weeks ago, Clarissa excitedly looked at me during our bedtime routine, and said, “Dad, do you know how much is 1 million? It’s 500 feet, even 1,000!” Clarissa often takes on the tone of teacher like she knows all about the world and wants to impart her knowledge onto others. It’s so adorable.