Ammon was a little sad on his birthday. I think he’s going through a growth spurt, so he wants to eat all of the time AND he’s tired a lot. On his birthday, as the videos show, he woke up screaming and sobbing, “FOOD!!!”
He cheered up a little bit upon sight of his pancakes and candles. He knew right what to do with those candles and didn’t wait for us to finish the song before he had blown them out…several times.
I accidentally ordered a GIANT dump truck for Ammon. I considered sending it back, but when Abe saw it he got so excited there was no chance of that. 🙂 We thought that Ammon would certainly show some enthusiasm for his presents, but he was so focused on his pancakes that he really didn’t care that much about opening his truck. He did like it once he saw it, though.
After breakfast we all got ready for church. I had to teach a lesson and so was focused on that for the rest of the morning while Ammon and the girls played with his truck.

When we got home, we ate and took turns napping before I made Ammon’s birthday dinner. After dinner, we sang again and gave Ammon his cake. He accidentally burned himself on his candle, and the picture shows the sad event.

Although Ammon was a little sad on his birthday, it was still a good day. Mostly we are just thrilled with the little person Ammon is. He brings us so much joy every day and never, ever fails to make us all smile with his good soul. He is such a sweet, sensitive, outgoing, happy boy. He says “hi” to literally every person that meets, and he loves people. He is curious, active and very, very energetic. We love him so much and are so thrilled he’s two!!
Happy birthday, Ammon!!