Yesterday I did not blog because Abe got offered an opportunity to move to Dallas. Every time the Qualtrics office in Dallas hires new sales reps, they send them to Abe for a personal training. Because of this, Abe knows everyone who works in Dallas and has great relationships with all of them. Even though Dallas has offered Abe the chance to move there whenever he wants, he never felt inclined to pursue the offer since he enjoys his present place so much.
However, on Friday Abe found out that they were more aggressively recruiting him. While he and the kids were at the Qualtrics party, I spent five hours researching housing in Dallas.
On Saturday, Abe had his conversation with the Dallas leadership, and he came away thinking perhaps he should seriously consider this offer. I went right back to Zillow and found the perfect house–ten houses away from the local church!!, fifteen minutes to Abe’s work, and 32 minutes from the Dallas temple. My mom, Abe, and I spent the whole evening talking and then I was too tired to blog.
Aside from trying to decide about Dallas, we spent the weekend setting up the house for Clarissa. I am happy to say, it is ALMOST done!!! And know I just have to get the house ready to sell. While everyone was at church, I (prayerfully) pushed myself to get the kids’ rooms in order, and now I can barely walk and am crippled–but the house is looking less like the trash can it resembled ten hours ago. I should have taken pictures. Maybe tomorrow.
My mom took this picture after Abe set up Ammon’s toddler bed. (We have since completely rearranged the room and set up his bed with sheets and an adorable quilt that had Ammon excitedly examining all of its fun designs.) Ammon and the girls were excited about this big step, although Abe and I are terrified to actually allow Ammon to try to sleep on his new bed. We can only imagine the destruction he will cause when left alone in his new room. Lydia came home from playing with the neighbors and reported that our 3 year old neighbor has a mesh cage around her toddler bed. I told Lydia there was no way we are going to do that to Ammon, but when I think through all that might happen when we eventually let him sleep in his bed, I wonder…