
So I’ve been feeling a little tired and nauseous for the past couple days, so this morning I took a pregnancy test. I’m pregnant!! We are pretty excited. To be honest, we thought we would take a break after Ammon because some stuff happened right after he was born that put our family through the emotional ringer, and in some ways we have not fully recovered from that.

But a couple months ago I was in the temple and had an experience that left me sure we were supposed to have two more kids. So…here’s to following the Spirit in faith. And we are genuinely excited to meet this new, sweet little spirit.

In other news, Abe created a really great shadow puppet show for FHE tonight.


a laundry basket nest

This morning Abe discovered that the girls spent last night in a nest. Mary slept in the laundry basket and Lydia slept on the floor. Here’s the video he took as they awoke:

I taught a lesson today on following Jesus Christ. Abe had his normal meetings, and afterward we all (except for the kids) watched the Netflix White Helmets documentary. I can’t stop thinking of the people in Aleppo. I pray God will end the conflict soon.


I feel bad blogging about our fun day when I think about what is going on across the world. The footage from Syria is beyond words. Please, God, remember your children in Aleppo. Please don’t leave them alone.

Here are the pictures from our day.

Abe had to work today so the kids and I headed to the library while he worked.

img_1462 img_1469-1 img_1461Then we joined Abe at work. It was empty because everyone was at the Qualtrics party. I was personally thrilled to miss it.

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Miner Funeral

Yesterday we attended the funeral of Suzanne’s dad, Louis Miner. He was a man who accomplished a lot and stayed humble and loving in spite of all of his success. One of the speakers quoted him as saying that people won’t remember what you did so much as how you made them feel. He always worked hard to make people feel good, and he was an extremely loving and generous person.

After the funeral in Salt Lake, we drove for three hours in blizzard conditions to his burial in Manti, Utah. I honestly thought we were all going to die, and I took it upon myself to elucidate Abe on the many different car-crash scenarios that could occur at any given moment. He was very, very patient with my backseat driving and we miraculously made it to the burial intact.

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You can see the honor guard folding the flag in the snow.
You can see the honor guard folding the flag in the snow.

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After the graveside prayer, we headed back to Orem. We got home at 6pm, and we had a cookie exchange to attend at 7pm. Mary and I baked those cookies soooo fast, and I was glad I had made the dough in the morning. I have been seeing cookie recipes from Dorie Greenspan’s new book in all the magazines, so I used one that has been calling my name. They’re the dipped, biscoff-stuffed cookies in the small tin. I held them out of the window on the highway so that the chocolate would set before the party.


We ran into a friend, Jake Chamberlain, from my home ward and his incredible girlfriend, Carlee, at the party. She just finished battling cancer six weeks ago, and she was such a delight to talk to.
We ran into a friend, Jake Chamberlain, from my home ward and his incredible girlfriend, Carlee, at the party. She just finished battling cancer six weeks ago, and she was such a delight to talk to.

Andrea tells us family stories

Tonight Abe’s Aunt Andrea came over for dinner and told us some great family stories.

The first one starts with a couple named Emmet and Ermina Mousley. Emmet had impressions when he was a young boy that he would die early, and he prayed his whole life that he would live to get married and have a family.

In 1918 the Spanish Flu took Emmet’s life, but not before he had met and married Ermina and had four kids. His last was born in 1918, just before his death. They named that son Woodrow, after the President. He was known as “Woody” after that.

Woody himself had many miracles during his life. In a blessing, he was told that he would plant the gospel in the hearts of many. After his father died, newborn Woody stopped eating and wasted away to skin and bones. The bishop came over and told his grieving mother that perhaps her prayers were keeping him on this earth, and that she might need to tell Heavenly Father that it was okay for Woody to return home. His mother tearfully consigned Woody to the care of Heavenly Father, and while she was praying, Woody fell into a deep sleep. When he awoke, he ate and regained his vitality.

When Woody was eighteen, he got a job at Universal Studios as a busboy. He served famous actors and actresses, and he worked alongside Alexander Darais–also born in 1918. He noticed that Alexander had high standards and was kind. Woody was a musician and eventually made violins of a quality that equalled Stradivarius. Alexander was an artist. They bonded. Right before he left the restaurant, Woody worked up the courage to give Alexander a Book of Mormon.

That was what initially started Alexander on his conversion path. As he was pondering the Book of Mormon, he stepped on a church pamphlet with the name of the mission home on it. He felt that was his answer and joined the church. Andrea still has that pamphlet with her father’s footprint on it.

We all owe a lot to Woody, who only found out that his Book of Mormon had helped Alexander join the Church many years later.img_1336

The Nutcracker with Nana

This morning my mom took the girls to the Nutcracker ballet.


Mary came out of the ballet marching like a soldier. This is her soldier pose. Lydia had a great time but absolutely refused to smile for the camera.
Mary came out of the ballet marching like a soldier. This is her soldier pose. Lydia had a great time but absolutely refused to smile for the camera. This was the best she would do.

I went to yoga while they were at the ballet. My yoga has childcare, and when I told the child care lady that my girls were with my mom at the ballet, she told me her first memory was of going to the Nutcracker Ballet with her grandmother. I got very excited that she still remembered this. I hope the girls remember this too!

This afternoon the girls had ballet, and it was parents day. Thanks to my mom, who watched Ammon at home, I got to sit in an watch.

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Articles of Faith obstacle course

This morning Abe and I worked out on the bikes at the Orem Rec Center. We had a great time.

Mary had an eye appointment afterward. One of her eyes is becoming more stigmatized, whatever that means. But at least she’s not cross-eyed anymore! Also, the doctor offered her a job to come teach all of the kids how to behave in doctor’s appointments. He offered to pay her in stickers. She thought that sounded great. I also thought that sounded great. After sacrament meetings I always think I have failed in the child-rearing department. It was nice to hear such positive commentary today.

The kids were having so much fun pre-appointment that I took a picture.
The kids were having so much fun pre-appointment that I took a picture.
Mary's appointment. I realized as I took this picture that Ammon was about to disassemble that machine which probably costs more than our house. I snapped the photo and quickly rectified the situation.
Mary’s appointment. I realized as I took this picture that Ammon was about to disassemble that machine which probably costs more than our house. I snapped the photo and quickly rectified the situation.
Did I mention this child loves to accessorize? Mary didn't want these sunglasses because they would hide her beloved red glasses. Ammon gladly took her trash.
Did I mention this child loves to accessorize? Mary didn’t want these sunglasses because they would hide her beloved red glasses. Ammon gladly took her trash.

Abe organized the BEST Family Home Evening ever tonight. He had the girls do an obstacle course, and at each obstacle they had to say an article of faith. They had the best time. All of the rest of my pictures reflect how much fun they had with their amazing dad.

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Sunday activities

Today after church I helped the girls make candy cane cookies. We intended to give some away, but we never got to that part. Hopefully we get to that tomorrow.

img_4261 img_4262-1I spent the rest of the day cooking dinner, baking for my visiting teachee, getting home taught, breaking our fast, and visiting teaching. I also realized I have to give the lesson next week in Relief Society. I thought I had traded that Sunday away and so am now scrambling to get something thrown together.

Here is a cute picture and a cute video of Ammon and Sylvia, the daughter of Jenny (my friend and visiting teachee) at church.


Gingerbread houses

On Saturday we did errands in the morning. When we got back home the girls did their gingerbread houses.

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Lydia had already been picking at hers by the time we took this photo. We had planned to leave them up until Christmas, but looking at the houses is pure pain for the girls. We gave in and are letting them pick away now.
Lydia had already been picking at hers by the time we took this photo. We had planned to leave them up until Christmas, but looking at the houses is pure pain for the girls. We gave in and are letting them pick away now.