Before we left for Cancun, one of the bishopric approached Abe and said they had a calling for me: First counselor in the Primary. (That was the calling that was so hard in my last ward.) Abe turned ashen gray and explained that while I would accept whatever calling they gave me, that particular one might be hard for a number of reasons. He then gently suggested that the calling I had already suggested to each individual member of the bishopric, a calling to the nursery, might be better.
Last night I got the call to the nursery. Hip, hip hooray! Thank-you, Honey, for helping me land there. Of course, I credit the listening skills of our new bishopric, my own culturally inappropriate talks with them (effectively preemptive strikes), and God too. Basically, I am thankful to everyone who helped me get a calling that a) I enjoy b) makes me feel like I have something to contribute c) is every other week so I can go to Abe’s Gospel Doctrine classes and c) syncs with my school stress this quarter. A blessing indeed.
Today was my first day in nursery, and it was awesome. It was especially nice not to abandon Mary after having been away so long.
After church, we rushed home to get the house in order for dinner with the Maudsleys. They were in town for a baptism, and Katie offered a couple weeks ago to come over with a raclette dinner. I enthusiastically welcomed yet another opportunity to get out of cooking dinner, and when the Maudsleys got here today, we joked that they were like a food truck. Just look at the amazing dinner they made after transporting ingredients and equipment from over an hour away:

Abe got spit up on twice while holding their adorable new baby, Phillip. He was so happy to be holding a baby again that he didn’t care a bit. Even though I am no longer at the stage where I feel actively allergic to babies, I preferred to watch and coo from a distance.
Just fell asleep twice while typing. Good night!