Great day

I liked everything about today. Everything! The best part was that I didn’t have to go to school today, so we got to have a real Family Home Evening tonight. We decided to teach the kids a lesson on Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, and then we started reading the Book of Mormon as a family. The girls get to color all of the verses we read together. Tonight’s grand total: Two. I wonder how long this is going to take…?

Here are the pictures:

Pre-dinner dance party, per Mary's request.
Pre-dinner dance party, per Mary’s request.

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This is a Jerusalem artichoke/artichoke pasta from a lovely cookbook called Roots.
This is a Jerusalem artichoke/artichoke pasta from a lovely cookbook called Roots.
Ina Garten's stuffed chicken with goat cheese, pesto, and sun-dried tomatoes.
Ina Garten’s stuffed chicken with goat cheese, pesto, and sun-dried tomatoes.
I made an apple cake from the Dorie Greenspan cookbook I need to return to the school library tomorrow. i substituted water for rum, and it came out acceptably.
I made an apple cake from the Dorie Greenspan cookbook I need to return to the school library tomorrow. i substituted water for rum, and it came out acceptably.
Post FHE apple cake tuck-in.
Post FHE apple cake tuck-in.

Happy early birthday, Abe!

Today was a perfect Sunday. Pictures of the day’s progression:

I made eggs Benedict with chard and red-pepper-saffron hollandaise sauce. I found the sauce too thin, but Abe professed to enjoy it.
I made eggs Benedict with chard and red-pepper-saffron hollandaise sauce. I found the sauce too thin, but Abe professed to enjoy it.
Lydia watched the washing machine like it was a movie this morning.
Lydia watched the washing machine like it was a movie this morning.
While Mary was napping, Lydia made us all "hats." Abe took a picture.
While Mary was napping, Lydia made us all “hats.” Abe took a picture.
While I studied the Sunday school lesson, Mary ate a snack in this carefree manner. She made me smile.
While I studied the Sunday school lesson, Mary ate a snack in this carefree manner. She made me smile.
Abe's birthday at the Miners' birthday celebration.
Abe’s birthday at the Miners’ birthday celebration. I made another chevre cake for his birthday.
We went to the Andersons after the Miners' party and a stop by Christina and Isabella's house. Abe tried out Paige's accordion while we were hanging out with the Andersons.
We went to the Andersons after the Miners’ party and a stop by Christina and Isabella’s house. Abe tried out Paige’s accordion while we were hanging out with the Andersons.
Ada and Lydia hugged each other as soon as they saw each other, and they proceeded to play beautifully for the rest of the evening.
Ada and Lydia hugged each other as soon as they saw each other, and they proceeded to play beautifully for the rest of the evening.

the run-down and a prayer-solicitation

This day was packed. I worked out this morning and then Abe played basketball. While he was at basketball, I menu planned and wrote a shopping list. Then it was time for lunch, after which Mary napped and I tutored Lydia for an hour. Afterward, Lydia and I  spent almost two hours shopping while Abe stayed home and cleaned the ENTIRE house–thank-you, Darling!! Then we came home, blitz-cooked dinner, and drove to the Marshalls’ to babysit. (We’re doing a stake conference babysitting swap.)

Abe is currently passed out on the bed. We kind of want to watch Mary Poppins because we saw Saving Mr. Banks last night, but we’re both so tired it might not happen. At any rate, we do have some pictures from the day.

Before I post those, though, a prayer solicitation. I need to do an internship this quarter, and Abe turned to me tonight and asked if I wanted to intern at Communal. I laughed in his face because Communal is only the hottest restaurant in Utah Valley right now, and I assumed this was another classic instance where Abe overestimated my abilities. But he then proceeded to tell me that, through work, he has a connection with the owner of Communal, and it looks like a real possibility that I could get an internship there. My jaw dropped when he explained that to me. So right now I am just praying that I get in. Mom and Grandma, could you please pray that I get this internship? I really, really, really, reallyreally want it. (That felt greedy to write, but at least it’s a forthright statement.) Thank-you!

Here are today’s pictures:

Tutoring. I was about to pull my hair out when it occurred to me that I need to put Lydia on a timer for the math problems. It worked like a charm! I worked out a reward system for all of the problems she solves correctly before the timer goes off, and she responded much better to that than my constant urging to "Focus, Lydia!"
Tutoring. I was about to pull my hair out when it occurred to me that I need to put Lydia on a timer for the math problems. It worked like a charm! I worked out a reward system for all of the problems she solves correctly before the timer goes off, and she responded much better to that than my constant urging to “Focus, Lydia!”
Abe took a picture of dinner tonight. I just topped yesterday's curried squash with some soy-maple salmon. At first, I was embarrassed that he thought this was picture worthy, and then it occurred to me that if I do not get an internship, I need to take a picture of ALL the food I make so I can convince the head chef at my school that I have 90 hours of extra-curricular cooking under my belt anyway.
Abe took a picture of dinner tonight. I just topped yesterday’s curried squash with some soy-maple salmon. At first, I was embarrassed that he thought this was picture worthy, and then it occurred to me that if I do not get an internship, I need to take a picture of ALL the food I make so I can convince the head chef at my school that I have 90 hours of extra-curricular cooking under my belt anyway.
After Abe chased the kids around for an hour in Maleficent's head gear (much to everyone's delight except for Mary, who was scared to death), the kids settled down to a tea party.
After Abe chased the kids around for an hour in Maleficent’s head gear (much to everyone’s delight except for Mary, who was scared to death), the kids settled down to a tea party.


We spent the last ten minutes watching a movie. The kids were cute all lined up on the couch.
We spent the last ten minutes watching a movie. The kids were cute all lined up on the couch.

Pretzel and pool day

Today was a really nice, slow day. I did a lot of cleaning, and Abe got home from work early so we went to the pool with the kiddos.

Here are the pictures:

We baked pretzels today.
We baked pretzels today.
I accidentally poured a bunch of flour into the mixer and turned it on high. Oops.
I accidentally poured a bunch of flour into the mixer and turned it on high. Oops.
Lydia got covered in flour.
Lydia got covered in flour.
Shaping the pretzels.
Shaping the pretzels.
Mary dressed up like a ballerina monkey and waltzed around the house all morning. I made her take off her monkey-ballerina pajamas, so I guess she decided to be one anyway.
Mary dressed up like a ballerina monkey and waltzed around the house all morning. I made her take off her monkey-ballerina pajamas, so I guess she decided to be one anyway.
I felt the need to document this veggie centric dinner, because sometimes I feel like all I eat is sugar. Reminder to self: You are doing better than you think (sometimes)!
I felt the need to document this veggie centric dinner, because sometimes I feel like all I eat is sugar. Reminder to self: You are doing better than you think (sometimes)!

Lunch with Camey

I had lunch today with my favorite Young Women’s leader (or youth leader period, for that matter) of all time. Camey Hadlock is just an amazing person, and I enjoyed every minute with her. The time just flew.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to execute the lunch menu I had in my head, but I did get around to making a Dorie Greenspan recipe: Torteau de Chevre. It’s basically a cross between a cheesecake and a souffle wrapped in the best sweet tart dough I’ve ever had. I grated some lemon zest into the recipe for added zing, and I just loved it. I wish I could cut and paste Dorie’s essay from her cookbook in here just because she wrote about this cake so delightfully, but I’ll just have to content myself with my own little picture.

I have a feeling the middle was supposed to rise more.

I have a feeling the middle was supposed to rise more, but the texture and taste was beauty.

Then I napped. By the time I finally got the girls bathed, it was 5 pm. Feeling guilty, I took the girls to Barnes and Noble to pick out books. Yesterday I bribed Lydia to let me clean out her ears with the promise of a new book, so we made good on that promise today.

I let the girls play for the better part of an hour in Barnes and Noble. I think they liked that even more than picking out their new books.
I let the girls play for the better part of an hour in Barnes and Noble. I think they liked that even more than picking out their new books.

Abe had to go to a work dinner tonight, so I took the girls to Smashburger for dinner and milkshakes.

We got home at the same time as Abe, and then we all vegged on the couch watching Winnie the Pooh until the girls’ bedtime.

I need to get a start on my new book club’s book: The Professor and the Madman. It’s about how a man locked up in an criminal asylum for the insane provided most of the definitions we find in the Oxford English Dictionary. So exciting!

Open for service

Shout out to Mom and Abe, both of whom prayed for me tonight.Thank-you both. I felt God helping me through class today, and I am sure your prayers helped. When I pulled up to school, I had no idea how I was going to make it through. I had a massive headache, and tonight was the first night the restaurant was actually open for service. I felt like I was going to be sick.

Turns out I LOVE service nights! We get out early, and since we’ve prepped most of the food before, it’s actually much less stressful than I anticipated. Also, the food is really good. Here’s what we made:

charcuterie board.
charcuterie board.
My dish! My partner and I made a Moroccan carrot soup infused with pureed pear chutney. The soup's in the teapot since it is poured tableside. The garnish is charred yogurt with pickled, brunoised carrots, mint and saffron.
My dish! My partner and I made a Moroccan carrot soup infused with pureed pear chutney. The soup’s in the teapot since it is poured tableside. The garnish is charred yogurt with pickled, brunoised carrots, mint and saffron.
Lobster ravioli atop some squash puree
Lobster ravioli atop some squash puree
An ode to Madison Park. Lemon poppyseed cake with yogurt lemon creme, meringue, lemon curd and candied celery.
An ode to Madison Park. Lemon poppyseed cake with yogurt lemon creme, meringue, lemon curd and candied celery. 

Sorry this post is (as usual? as usual, probably.) all about me. Abe is doing great at work, the girls are healthy and happy, and everything else is hunky dory.

Oh! We finally got rid of Francie yesterday. At the table later that night Lydia burst out screaming, “But Francie and Bazi go together! Our neighbor Tom told us that!” She calmed down after Abe reassured her that Francie is in a better place, although she occasionally comments about how Bazi must miss Francie.

Okay, to bed to sleep off my headache. Hears to a pain-free tomorrow!

First day scares

Today was my first day of class, and it scared me half to death. The chefs, one of whom is Chef Katie from Top Chef, made us:

  • concasse a tomato
  • brunois a carrot
  • supreme an orange
  • brunois the orange peel
  • tourne an apple
  • julienne an onion — this included cutting and scraping every single peel until they were all of uniform depth
  • small dice a large baking potato

…in forty five minutes. Needless to say, I did not make it happen. I dropped so many things from nervousness that at one point the chefs probably wondered if I thought the task at hand was actually to decorate the floor with organic matter. The whole exercise was a scary wake up call that I need to practice more seriously at home.

In addition to writing my recipes for tomorrow, I have to find an economical place to get my knives sharpened. I also have to buy an outfit for when I work front of house, find and write recipes, organize my binder, and learn how to tie a tie. Somehow I’m 31 an still have no idea how to do that. (We have to wear a tie when we’re working front of house.)

It was just plain scary, although I feel sure that I will learn more in this class than in any other.

While I was sweating nervous bullets at class, Abe was home having an Elsa dress dance party with the girls.

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I am in the middle of staving off a mild panic attack, so this will be short.

We had a really wonderful dinner with a fascinating, kind, lovely family tonight. They have eight kids  (all 100% bilingual in different languages), have lived all over the world, and are terrific conversationalists.  In fact, they were so good at making us feel comfortable that I am panicking because I think I shared too much. If I didn’t have social anxiety, maybe I wouldn’t worry, but since I do, I am feeling pretty vulnerable and anxiety ridden right now.

Abe is about to give me a blessing because on top of that, school starts tomorrow and I am practically sick with worry.

To force myself out of my own worry for a moment: Abe is a gospel doctrine teacher now, and today he taught such a beautiful lesson about the annunciation to Mary and also the annunciation to Zacharias. He  helped me think about belief as a virtue, to believe God is the same throughout the ages, and to believe that miracles can happen today. That was the extremely distilled takeaway from a discussion rich with faith-promoting possibility.

On that note, here are today’s pictures:

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Lydia has played HOURS of imagination with these cats.
Lydia has played HOURS of imagination with these cats.

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Lydia anecdote

Nothing really happened today, which is why this is a perfect place to record an anecdote from earlier this week. I can’t believe I forgot to write this down!

Mary had pooped in her undies, and I was undressing her very carefully in the bathroom. As I started to carefully remove the underwear, I muttered, “This is sooooo scary!”

Lydia was watching the whole procedure with great interest, and when she heard me say that, she responded, “But Mom, don’t worry! God is always behind you.”

I was so thrilled by her encouragement! It gave me the perspective and happiness needed to proceed with the unpleasant procedure  in more buoyant spirit. She then proceeded to tell me she would pray for me. She went to the next room, knelt down, and said a rather lengthy prayer for every member of our family. I was and am so proud of her, and I am very thankful for that sweet girl’s faith and example.

On another wavelength entirely, it feels like we are always at IKEA on weekends. The only picture I have from today comes from there.


Dinner adieu to David

I was determined to get some of our Saturday stuff done today so that we could have more free time tomorrow. Therefore, I rushed the girls through breakfast, piled everyone in the car and raced to the library to catch it at opening hour. We speedily selected some books in order to race back home and read for an hour. Then: Lunch time, preschool carpool, and cleaning.

When Lydia came back home, we did an hour of tutoring. Mom, thanks so much for the infusion of new materials! Lydia LOVES them, and we had so much fun with them today. Actually, I took this picture after wiping away all the tears on Lydia’s face because when she learned that this was our last work page, she cried.

IMG_0800Then we went out to dinner with Tom, Suzanne, David and Olivia. David flies back east tomorrow, so we all had dinner at Cafe Trang.

jan9I want to get in as much of my book as possible before bedtime, so that’s all for today!