
Sorry to have been out of commission for so long! Friday was my birthday, and it was so fun-packed that I didn’t have any energy to blog by the end. The girls were so sweet to me all day. Lydia kept wishing me happy birthday and let me sleep in as a birthday present. I asked her if she could entertain herself so I could sleep longer on my birthday–selfish, I know, but she was so sweet! She went potty, brushed her teeth, and played quietly while I slept an extra hour. Mary also kept saying, “Happy! Happy!” to me all day long. That’s how she says “happy birthday.”

Lydia wanted to help Mary get dressed in the morning. Mary appreciated the help.
Lydia wanted to help Mary get dressed in the morning. Mary appreciated the help.
Lydia and I baked this on my birthday.
Lydia and I baked this on my birthday.
Mary spotted the cake upon awaking from her nap, and she refused to eat anything else.
Mary spotted the cake upon awaking from her nap, and she refused to eat anything else.


Abe and I used a groupon to go to Cucina Toscana for dinner, and it was wonderful. Suzanne was an angel and baby-sat for us all evening. We were so grateful!

beef carpaccio.
beef carpaccio.
house made gnocchi in a stupendous tomato sauce, and a mind-blowing spinach lemon ravioli and a mornay sauce.
house made gnocchi in a stupendous tomato sauce, and a mind-blowing spinach lemon ravioli and a mornay sauce.
a truly terrific Cesear.
a truly terrific Cesear.
Sea bass with calms and shrimp.
Sea bass with calms and shrimp.
duck with macerated figs and spinach
duck with macerated figs and spinach

On Saturday, I got up at 5:30 so I could go to yoga. Then I came home and we all went to the pool for a swim.

We got to the pool and realized it wasn't free swim time. The lifeguard was so kind and let us put the kids in a swim lesson that was going on --for free! Mary and Lydia both learned to float, jump in, and kick!
We got to the pool and realized it wasn’t free swim time. The lifeguard was so kind and let us put the kids in a swim lesson that was going on –for free! Mary and Lydia both learned to float, jump in, and kick!

Then we met up with Karin and Jay for lunch at Gourmandise. I have been dreaming about their creme brulee oatmeal ever since I got it when I went to breakfast with Aria a while back. Daydreams were fulfilled.

Mary cuddled with Karin for such a long time. We finally had to take her and try to make her eat something, but she looked pretty content here.
Mary cuddled with Karin for such a long time. We finally had to take her and try to make her eat something, but she looked pretty content here.
Jay relaxing at Gourmandise.
Jay relaxing at Gourmandise.
Lydia picked out this cookie after lunch. That's a mouse cookie. It's a chocolate truffle coated with ganache on a lemony cookie base with a bit of raspberry flling.
Lydia picked out this cookie after lunch. That’s a mouse cookie. It’s a chocolate truffle coated with ganache on a lemony cookie base with a bit of raspberry flling.
Mary eating her mouse cookie.
Mary eating her half of the mouse cookie.

Then we went grocery shopping, took a nap, and got ready for our dinner.

Mary "drove the car" with Abe while I grocery shopped.
Mary “drove the car” with Abe while I grocery shopped.

I made a ton of food, but whenever we have guests I always think we’re going to run out of food. Whenever my parents threw parties growing up, we would eat leftovers for weeks; my dad never wanted to run out of food at a party. I think I inherited my fear of running out of food from him. Anyway, I made Jamaican jerk steak, kasha (threw it out because I did it wrong and replaced it with cous cous), carrot salad, roasted veggies, balsamic blackberry gingered strawberries, corn on the cob, and chimichurri sauce. Candace brought Harmon’s bread and Emily brought a marvelous fruit salad. Unfortunately, I was having so much fun with everyone that I forgot to take pictures. Abe did manage to take a picture of the cake with his phone (Gourmandise had a Groupon for cake!):

Gourmandise had a Groupon for a birthday cake. This was a chocolate truffle raspberry cake. It was to die for.
Gourmandise had a Groupon for a birthday cake. This was a chocolate truffle raspberry cake. It was to die for.
The girls played outside before our party.
The girls played outside before our party.

june21pic5We had to set up an extra table for the party since we had seven grown-ups and five kids. While Abe was taking down the table, he sliced off a good portion of the padding on his finger. He cut off the flap with a scissors, and it’s still bleeding (a full twenty-four hours later). He spent most of last night in excruciating pain. I was up until midnight talking with Candace, and I didn’t realize how much pain Abe was in until he called me up because he was struggling so much. I felt so sorry for him! Today it’s not as painful, although we’re going to douse it in hydrogen peroxide soon, and I’m sure that will be torture for him. Say a prayer for Abe.

We got to church half an hour late today because I was prepping for our post-church picnic.

After church we had a picnic today with Ben, Candace, Cadence, Bentley, Aria, Stephen, and Balu.
After church we had a picnic today with Ben, Candace, Cadence, Bentley, Aria, Stephen, and Balu.
The girls loved playing while we ate.
The girls loved playing while we ate.

After our picnic, Candace and Ben drove back to Idaha. I hated to see them go and felt really lonely and sad with the house empty. I wish Candace lived closer.

I treated my sorrow with a nap, and when we woke up, the house still felt empty. We called Mike and Paige at that point and asked if they could come over to help us finish off the million pounds of leftover food in our fridge. They were wonderful and came. We spent hours discussing the disciplinary council of Kate Kelly and John Dehlin. It was really cathartic, and I felt like I learned a lot from the discussion.

Liv ate some pink paint today.
Liv ate some pink paint today.
Mary somehow got covered in marker while we were getting food out for dinner with the Andersons. Her face matched her dress.
Mary somehow got covered in marker while we were getting food out for dinner with the Andersons. Her face matched her dress.

Mike pointed out that Utah twilight lasts hours, and we enjoyed it all evening. It was a perfect night. This June has been so glorious.

A truly special day

Today was truly special in the Darais household.

First of all, our friends, Ben and Candice, are staying with us for a few nights and we absolutely love seeing them whenever we can.

Secondly, Lily got to see her idol, Martha Stewart, speak at a blogging convention and have the best buffet of her life. Candice planned to see Martha Stewart and had bought a ticket, but when Lily tried to buy a ticket, it was sold out.  Since what I do for a living is track down important people and get things from them, I thought I would try to intervene.  I eventually tracked someone important down who was super sweet and said they still had a few tickets.  Lily got to go and had an AMAZING TIME.  The buffet at the Grand America was the best she has ever had, and Martha Stewart was outstanding as always.  Martha gave tips about when she uses butter, lard and vinegar for different pie crusts.

Also, Lily got her present today from my parents which was a pressure cooker.  I hear she was very excited about that.  (She just got home and I haven’t had a chance to ask).

After work, I drove to meet my Lily, my dad and Suzanne, my cousins Isabella and Henry, and my girls.  We were all going to go to the new aquarium while Lily was at school.  Unfortunately the aquarium closed at six (oops!), but we all went to Wendy’s and then went to Thanksgiving point for the petting zoo.  Everyone had a great time!  Highlights were: The turkey that puffed itself bigger than I’ve ever seen a turkey go in order to impress a female. Lydia rode on a pony for one minute and then decided she was done and tried to jump off (I caught her fortunately). Baby goats (only two weeks old), butting heads with each other to play and playing king of the rock.  It was all very fun and the weather was perfect.



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Cleaning marathon

Aside from taking my girls to story time at the library and then going to the gym for a swim, I literally cleaned all day long. Well, I took a forty-five minute break to play the piano, and I fed the kids a couple times, but other than that, all I did today was clean (and bake cookies). I don’t think the house has ever been this clean, and I feel so happy! The only thing I wish I’d done is mop all the floors, but at least they’re all swept or vacuumed.

I have another final project to do tomorrow, and there’s nothing I hate more than doing school work in the middle of a mess. I anticipate highly enjoying my project tomorrow thanks to today’s efforts.

And, best of all, my friend Candace is coming in tonight and will stay the weekend with us! She got a mini-pass to the Alt Summit to hear Martha Stewart present. I was supposed to buy a pass and go too, but I never had my wallet with me when I was at the computer, and by the time I finally got around to it, the event was sold out. I was bummed. But at least the good news is that, as I mentioned before, I have a final project (and a final exam) tomorrow. I’m pretty sure I would fail both if I were going to see Martha too.

Here are today’s pictures:

The girls woke up and wanted to build a nest for themselves in their princess tent. They had a blast.
The girls woke up and wanted to build a nest for themselves in their princess tent. They had a blast.
I told Mary to say "Hi Mommy!" She opens her mouth pretty wide when she says "hi".
I told Mary to say “Hi Mommy!” She opens her mouth pretty wide when she says “hi”.
The girls were really affectionate with each other this morning.
The girls were really affectionate with each other this morning.


Oops! (A tumble.)
Oops! (A tumble.)
We have gotten our money's worth out of this dress. Lydia wears it at every opportunity.
We have gotten our money’s worth out of this dress. Lydia wears it at every opportunity.


Mary makes life pretty easy for everyone by putting herself in voluntary time-outs so she can have her binkies. She's only allowed to have them in her pack-n-play, so she spends a lot of time like this.
Mary makes life pretty easy for everyone by putting herself in voluntary time-outs so she can have her binkies. She’s only allowed to have them in her pack-n-play, so she spends a lot of time like this.

Also, I’m linking to my favorite Christian song of late. It’s called “Build Your Kingdom Here,” and this is what got me on the Christian rock kick.

Gym, hugs, and sky

I went to the gym today, and Mary stayed in the child care the whole time! I can’t say how liberating that is–I can actually work out now! It’s an option!

Other than that, it was a rainy day so we stayed inside a lot. I had a lot of work to do for school because tonight was the last night for Garde Manger. All we did was clean the kitchen, but I had a bunch of stuff due.

Abe had fun with the girls tonight. Lydia has been an angel these past couple days, and we can’t get over how easy and delightful she’s been. This morning she got dressed, brushed her teeth, used the potty and washed her hands all by herself–without me asking! I couldn’t believe it. She’d actually gotten half way through that routine before I woke up, so she woke me by saying, “Mommy! I got dressed all by myself and now I’m going to go brush my teeth and use the potty!” I was both dumbfounded and delighted.

Lydia and Mary got in a hug fest while Abe was watching them, so he ran to get the camera. By the time he got back, Mary wanted out, but Lydia wanted to keep posing for the camera. The following pictures document Mary’s attempt to escape Lydia’s death-grip pose:

IMG_8295 IMG_8293 IMG_8294In other news, it was really cold today–and it snowed in the mountains! The sky was unbelievably beautiful; I almost drove off the road on my way home because it was so distracting. I didn’t take a picture, but I thought it was notable enough to mention. There was even a full rainbow at one point. I missed Lake Michigan when I first moved here, but the Utah sky feels like it performs a similar function in my life as the lake did in Illinois.

bath and fruit day

Today was pretty uneventful. Abe and I were even more exhausted than usual, and neither of us has any idea why. At least, I don’t know why I am so exhausted–I get plenty of down time these days, and I definitely sleep more than Abe.

This morning I gave the girls a bath, and aside from doing their hair, feeding them, playing with them, and reading to them, I really didn’t do much else. I had big plans to go work out, but a big nap edged those out…

Lydia loved making Mary's hair white with bubbles.
Lydia loved making Mary’s hair white with bubbles.

IMG_8291Then at school tonight my class made a fruit platter:

IMG_8257 IMG_8258We got out hours early, which was especially nice since I had made myself practically sick from gorging on fruit and dip. I came home and had a long chat with Abe. Usually we just have five minutes of interaction on my school days, so it was nice to talk so much–it felt like a luxury.

Happy Father’s Day, Abe!

Happy Father’s Day to the greatest dad I know! I think the kind of dad Abe is was epitomized today at Red Butte Gardens. We had gone there after church for a picnic, and Lydia really wanted Abe to go through the vine tunnels with her. Abe enthusiastically followed her, and he tried to convince me to join by saying, “Look, Honey! These are perfect for grown-ups, too! All you have to do is squat really low, grab these bars, and hop your way through.”

I am so glad the girls have Abe, because I’m just not that good a sport.

I give thanks every day of my life for Abe. He is such a genuine, kind, fun, funny, enthusiastic, optimistic, loving person. I could trot out a hundred more adjectives to describe him, but I have a feeling that wouldn’t quite do him justice. Anyway, Mom and Grandma, you both already know what a fun and wonderfully creative dad Abe is. He’s the best.

Here are the pictures from today:

We had a picnic at Red Butte Gardens right after church.
We had a picnic at Red Butte Gardens right after church.
Mary eating her lunch at the garden.
Mary eating her lunch at the garden.
Abe took this picture in the tunnel after he had hopped through quite a bit of it. As you can see, it was a short tunnel.
Abe took this picture in the tunnel after he had hopped through quite a bit of it. As you can see, it was a short tunnel.


We celebrated my birthday tonight at the Miner's.
We celebrated my birthday tonight at the Miner’s.


Lydia refused to join the pictures because she was standing watch near the cakes and goodies.
Lydia refused to join the pictures because she was standing watch near the cakes and goodies.
We celebrated Grandpa Miner's birthday today, too!
We celebrated Grandpa Miner’s birthday today, too!
Balu and Mary cuddling.
Balu and Mary cuddling.


Lydia was excited to sit on a chair that was "just her size."
Lydia was excited to sit on a chair that was “just her size.”
Lydia bat the ball twice!
Lydia bat the ball twice!
The boys wrestling while Lydia hammered a roc.
The boys wrestling while Lydia hammered a roc.
Bapa and Mary playing.
Bapa and Mary playing.


Charlie on stilts.
Charlie on stilts.
Lydia getting chased by Abe.
Lydia getting chased by Abe.

Saturday in June, and thank-you, Grandma!

Pretty much a typical Saturday here. I went to cooking school in the morning and made up one of the classes I missed. I’m failing my Latin class because I’ve missed so many classes, so I think after today at least I will pass.

Then Abe and I recovered from the week while both girls took marathon naps. When everyone woke up, we headed to the pool.

After we came home, we ate dinner and then I did some errands while Abe put the girls to bed. I think we’re going to try to watch The Book Thief right now, so I’ll post the only two pictures we took today. Mom, remember how Lydia has always hated the sun in her eyes? I think one of her first sentences involved communicating to us that the sun was in her eyes while we were all on a walk on 12th avenue together. Anyway, she is very attached to her sunglasses because they solve this problem for her. This is before and after our swim:

lydia in glasses lydia in glasses2Oh, and I forgot to mention to Grandma how the girls love their pillows and blankets she made for them. Lydia loves her pillow and blankets so much that she won’t even allow us to put any other blanket or comforter on her bed. She has also dismissed her former pillow. Mary loves her blanket and pillow just as much. She moves around in her sleep, but she always seems to bring her pillow with her–her head is usually on it when she wakes up. They also play with the pillows and blankets during the day. Usually the pillows and blankets make it all around the house before ending up back upstairs on their beds. Thank-you, Grandma, for those gifts! They are very loved–just like you!!

I love June too.

I love June. It is my favorite month of the year. The weather right now makes me so, so happy. Sometimes I wonder if I have a touch of Seasonal Affective Disorder because when I read my childhood journals, half the time I think I might as well be reading a daily blow-by-blow of the weather report. At any rate, the good weather has been lifting my spirits all month long, and today we celebrated by going to Red Butte Gardens.

After we got home, we headed straight to the home of Abe’s friend, Andrew Walker. He and Abe have been trying to get together for over a year, and we finally got around to it tonight. It was so nice to visit with Andrew and his family, and Andrew told us amazing stories about his dad, who is a church historian. Apparently, before President Hinckley died, he wanted the whole story of the Mountain Meadow Massacre researched and told in its entirety.

Andrew’s dad was the first professor in the history of BYU to get a two year leave to write the book, and he researched every single fact surrounding the massacre. He studied all of the original documents out there and unearthed secret journals in the process. Every single sentence that he wrote is meticulously documented in the footnotes of his book, which comprise two-thirds of the final work. I can’t wait to read the book, and hearing his account of what actually happened cleared up a lot of questions for me.

Here are the pictures I took today (mostly from the gardens):

IMG_8193 IMG_8196 IMG_8197 IMG_8207 IMG_8209

Braving the snake fountain.
Braving the snake fountain.
"Hi Fishies!" Mary was especially enthused by her encounter with the fish. She kept begging to go back. I was afraid the girls would slip and fall in. Next time they're not going to wear their jellies!
“Hi Fishies!” Mary was especially enthused by her encounter with the fish. She kept begging to go back. I was afraid the girls would slip and fall in. Next time they’re not going to wear their jellies!

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Lydia needed frequent breaks from all the work of pushing the stroller.
Lydia needed frequent breaks from all the work of pushing the stroller.

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The Three Bears' Cottage.
The Three Bears’ Cottage.
We pretended to have tea inside the cottage of the three bears.
We pretended to have tea inside the cottage of the three bears.

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We saw a family of ducks!
We saw a family of ducks!

Thank-you June

I honestly don’t know too much about Lily’s day because I only saw her for a couple of minutes.  My day went really well at work and I may even close some deals this quarter that I did not expect to.

At home, I enjoyed the beautiful June weather with the girls over dinner and then we painted and colored.  Lily had one of her last classes tonight for Latin cooking.  She absolutely loved her group tonight and her cake turned out fantastic. The other food pictures are from her team.


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Quick Post

It’s getting late, so I’ll mostly focus on pictures (Abe here):

I had a great day a work, listened to Huckleberry Finn in the car and went on a great run at home.

Lily had a great time playing with the girls, got to see some more Downton Abbey and made a delicious Samon supper.

Lydia has been darling and extremely well-behaved.

Mary has been super cute and shouting the few words she knows at the top of her lungs “No!” “Buuh!” (for bird) etc.

We are all loving the weather and we spent time eating, painting, playing and enjoying icecream outside. Pictures!!IMG_8171 IMG_8172 IMG_8173 IMG_8174 IMG_8175 IMG_8176 IMG_8177 IMG_8178 IMG_8179 IMG_8180 IMG_8181 IMG_8182 IMG_8183 IMG_8184 IMG_8185 IMG_8187 IMG_8188 IMG_8189

Our beautiful rose bushes
Our beautiful rose bushes