We get our new puppy

Ammon at the breeder’s falling in love with Basil (whom we thought we’d name Basel at the time).

On Wednesday I was telling Abe how frustrated I was in the dog search. Because of Covid, no reputable breeders have any puppies for sale. Everyone is completely sold out. I even checked out Siberian cats and couldn’t find one for sale for the life of me, and I also heard that rabbits are sold out. For all I know pet rodents are all also completely sold out (not that I would ever in a million years want one of those).

He told me to jump on KSL and look at puppies there. So I did. And I was literally texting a woman about a Maltipoo puppy when I took a minute to deep breathe and really visualize what kind of dog and energy I want in my home. What I really wanted was a Bernedoodle–specifically one with brown eyebrows!–but every good breeder was completely (as I said before) sold out, and the breeder I’d paid a deposit to was booked out for six months to a year.

Anyway, I said my first sincere prayer in a while that I would find a dog that would enrich our family in the best possible way. What should I see next but a brand new ad (within the last three hours) for a Bernedoodle puppy that needed a home this weekend because the original purchasers had backed out last minute. He had brown eyebrows. I was kind of shocked. But, knowing how rare this puppy was, I immediately texted the breeder and within minutes had positioned our family as number one on the buyer list with an appointment to see him at 7am in the morning Thursday.

Honestly the whole experience made me reconsider resigning from the Church. I felt grateful that the Church helped me feel like I could access God through prayer and discern spiritual experiences that continue to serve me. Although I now get really confused about prayer when I think of all the much-more-important-than-mine prayers that don’t get answered, I still am grateful for my good experiences with it. At the same time I am still upset about the high-level fraud and white supremacy, so I don’t know. I might still send in my letter. Who knows.

Anyways Lydia and I hardly slept at all Wednesday night–we were so excited! And then we got everyone up at 6am, loaded in the car by 6:35 and were in Sandy at the breeder’s very beautiful home by 7:10.

The breeder was the nicest person. Her home was gorgeous, her dogs were so well cared for, and Basil had us all head-over-heels within minutes. He was so calm, quiet, and cute! I felt reassured that we were getting a really great dog. His parents are both Rocky Road Doodles, which if you are in the hunt for Bernedoodles, is a known top-of-the-line breeder. I actually called them early in my own search but they were going to charge me $6,000-$8,000 for a dog, and for a dog Basil’s size I would have paid $8,000! So since I got the dog one breeder removed, it felt like the sale of the century for an absolutely incredible dog.

After buying Basil, we went home and got the house all ready for him. The girls and I bought everything we needed to bring home a puppy at Petco, and the girls were almost out of their minds with excitement. Finally, we were completely ready and drove back to Sandy to pick him up.

He was so scared on the ride home and spent the ride and the rest of the day shaking like a leaf, but by night time he already loved his crate and went right to bed in it. His 2am potty break was a snap, thanks to the breeder’s hard work, and it was so easy to put him right back to bed afterward.

He is a total dream puppy and we are all beside ourselves loving him. We love you, Basil!

Also, Abe here, for a quick note. I was selected as a top people manager at Qualtrics based on survey feedback from my team and I was invited to present my management philosophy to the entire company at an all-hands meeting. I recorded my little presentation. It was fun.

Happy Inauguration Day

Congratulations, America, on surviving the last four years! I hope we can fully heal in the next four years. I hope we can see each other as people first and members of political parties last. It’s so hard to do, but so important if we want to preserve peace and democracy for our kids. I know I can do a lot more to really see the people around me instead of fear them, and one of my resolutions today is to focus on love rather than fear.

Today was a pretty normal day except for watching the inauguration, during which I teared up and Lydia kept exclaiming over how great Biden’s speech was. At one point she said, “Mom, I didn’t used to be able to appreciate a good speech, but now I can and I really love this one!” She looked so beautiful, is so smart, and is such a good-to-the-core human, and my heart just overflowed with pride in her intelligence and discernment today.

Mary memorized another times table and both girls had good practices and good music lessons. Ammon had a long play date with a neighbor and preschool friend, Casey, and Clarissa spent a lot of time singing me songs and telling me stories. She is so, so cute. I feel bad I didn’t get her stories recorded, but she’s on a roll so hopefully tomorrow.

Mary and Ammon assembled our dinner lasagna today.
Clarissa helped make the salad.
Lydia drew a beautiful self-portrait yesterday and today.

Other than that, I went on a walk with Abe, did some laundry, made some meals, cleaned the kitchen, tidied the house, and googled puppies today. I hope to get a workout in before bed, so fingers crossed I can catch up on the blog before then.

Here is a video of Clarissa telling a story


Ammon is such a musical child, and he adores strong music. This morning he listened to the whole Wicked soundtrack before leaving his room, and before that he’s spent the last few months listening to Mozart’s Queen of the Night aria, Imagine Dragons, Fiddler on the Roof, and Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker obsessively. Today he added Beethoven’s 5th symphony to his list of favorites. We read a book about it, and then I turned on Fantasia 2000…and he’s been humming the theme and calling himself “King Beethoven” ever since. He asked me to repeat the words, “Symphony number five by Beethoven” slowly so he can ask Alexa to play it for him. Obviously this fills me with joy and delight.

Clarissa likes strong female figures, and so lately her favorite movie is…Maleficent. Abe took a picture of her watching it in our bed (this pic was from Monday, actually. But I am too lazy to make it its own blog after accidentally putting it here.)

Mary drew this card for Lydia. For years Mary has had a habit of hugging Lydia until Lydia gets annoyed, and they play games where Mary’s hugs are gambling currency. (As in, if Mary wins she gets to hug Lydia as much as she wants, and if Lydia wins Mary doesn’t get to hug her at all.)

Also we got a security system installed today. It’s amazing and we love it so much already. Thanks to our friend Randy Blosil for getting us a great deal with Vivant! Next step, our bernadoodle deterrent, which I put a deposit on a couple days ago and expect sometime in the late summer or early fall of 2021. Yay puppy!

MLK day

On MLK Day the kids Zoomed with Pippa and watched Monte Python and the Holy Grail with her, and after I was thrilled to hear Lydia suggest everyone watch an educational film on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Such good kids, all of them. They give me hope the future is bright.

Clarissa loves the mermaid tail blanket.
Today we went ice fishing. Didn’t catch any fish but had this amazing view.
Michaelann joined us to everyone’s delight!
Ammon fell in shortly after this picture. The water by the reeds only went to his calves but it was still traumatic for him.

Kid’s Customer Satisfaction Survey

Clarissa and Ammon coloring some robots they got on Christmas.
In the evening we played this story card game and then the older kids and I played Bananagrams.

For dinner we had sushi and I videoed a customer satisfaction survey I took of the kids. I asked them to honestly rate their childhood and give specific feedback on what is working and what could be improved. They all listed vacations and Lydia’s baking in their top two reasons why they like their childhood, and Lydia informed me that I could improve their childhood by swearing less. Note taken, Lydia!

So Abe will upload the survey whenever he gets a chance. These kids were adorable on it!

This is Abe, uploading the videos. I’ll put the real one first, with the out-takes leading up to it first (I think they are cute):

xo, Abe!

On Thursday Abe and I talked a LOT. I have self-esteem issues and by the end of the conversations I realized we are actually not failing at life. Abe helped me realize that our kids are happy, healthy, educated, actively developing their talents, well-fed, live in a clean home, have structured routines and lots of free time, and above all, live secure in the knowledge that their parents adore each other and will always be there for them. What started as a pretty low day ended in these happy realizations. I am so grateful for a wise, compassionate husband who can see the good in me and in our kids when I feel like I am failing on every front. He is my life’s best gift. I love you, Abe.

Clarissa and her blankets

While I was biking in the morning Clarissa came down and actively snuggled and played with the two blankets I crocheted and sewed for her while on bedrest. I don’t think she knows they are blankets I made for her, but I was so thrilled, delighted, and touched to see her playing with them. She is the cutest.

After I was done I read her fifteen books before getting ready for the day. I just wanted an excuse to cuddle her. She’s so, so cute!!!!!

Abe and I went on a long walk in the evening and Lydia joined us too. She has been having a hard time sleeping so we figured the exercise would help her. She talked and talked and was darling to listen to. She got a little freaked out by the news today. The Trump supporters stormed the capitol carrying American, Confederate, Nazi, and a Book of Mormon flag called “the Title of Liberty”–and I probably ranted too much about them, so Lydia had a lot to process.

Also, one cute anecdote from the day occurred at bath time. Clarissa was in the bath when I told Ammon he needed to jump in too. Clarissa protested, saying she didn’t want to take a bath with him. When I said it wasn’t up for negotiation, the minute he stepped in she screamed, “NO, AMMON!! I DON’T WANT TO TAKE A BATH WITH YOU ‘CAUSE YOU SOOOOOOO SMELLY!!!!!!” –and broke down sobbing.

I coaxed her out of the bath and comforted her while laughing so hard inside.

On Sunday after Zoom church (which was amazing, as usual) we took the kids to the start of the Provo River Trail. It was gorgeous, but unfortunately there was a duck hunter there shooting ducks right next to us, and when we turned to go he turned to go too. When we went back because he appeared to be leaving, he turned around also. I was already on high, high alert and very stressed at the sight of a man in camo smoking, wielding an oversize gun, and eyeing my children and me (he looked like every picture of a stereotypical Trump supporter I’ve ever seen), but when he turned around as we did for the second time, I about lost it. We went straight back to the car.

Abe was not alarmed at all and thought he was just a friendly duck hunter and suggested calling out to him (with Clarissa on his shoulders) to ask him politely not to shoot us while we walked. I don’t know if Abe was crazy or I was crazy, but we had vastly different ideas about what was safe in that moment.

After coming home Abe and I talked it out and figured out we have no idea what the right thing to do was, but since we still wanted a walk we took the kids to one of our favorite river walks near the Qualtrics building. We walked for over an hour and the kids had a great time while I slowly felt my heart go from code red back to green.

This is how close we were to the ducks the man was hunting.
The new, safer trail.