The girls have been making cards and pictures for Abe’s birthday all week. No exaggeration, Mary has used almost all of her free time running into my mom’s room and preparing all sorts of surprises for Abe. On Monday evening they made him go to bed early so they could set out a trail of cards around the house so he would be surprised on the morning of his birthday. Abe is the most amazing dad, and I was so thrilled to see that the girls seem to have internalized that fact and expressed their appreciation for him in such colorful, creative, sweet ways.
I basically spent the whole day cooking Abe’s birthday dinner. I made borscht, cabbage pie in a yeasted dough, rye bread, and honey yeast blinis with creme fraiche, dill and smoked salmon.
Thankfully, Lydia made Abe’s cake ALL BY HERSELF and so I didn’t have to do a thing for that. (Okay, I wiped up a powdered sugar spill, but that was it.) It was honestly the best tasting chocolate cake I have ever had. We were all so impressed.
Lydia baked this beautiful, delicious cake from a recipe in her Look and Cook cookbook. I didn’t realize that cookbook had any recipes that were worth noting, but apparently this one is. The cake didn’t look the color of chocolate cakes I normally love, but it was so moist, perfectly textured, and so delicious. I am hungry just thinking about it.
Today Lydia and Mary insisted that they stay up until after I went to bed so they could set things up for my birthday. I did not want them staying up until 11:00 and I did not want to go to bed at 9:00, so I went to my bed and pretended to sleep, complete with snores.
I could hear those sweet little girls running all around my room and the house setting up love-notes for my treasure hunt in the morning. After Lily put them to bed, I encountered them and was so incredibly touched. I didn’t actually read all the notes until my birthday, but here are some of the notes they left for me:
On Sunday the girls had fun playing with their baby doll and pretending to walk one of their stuffed dogs. They were so cute.
One of Abe’s new friends in the new ward came over with his wife to meet me. It was fun visiting with them. She homeschooled her kids and both of them are so dedicated to their family.
Lydia baked us all cupcakes. She looooooves baking so much and is so good at it.
Then I spent a couple hours reading The Mormon Jesus while the kids played. Abe made spaghetti for all of us, and afterward we watched Helen Keller and Mr. Rogers. Then we did two Cosmic Kids yoga videos as a family. We all had so much fun doing yoga together!
After we put the kids down, Abe and I watched an episode of The Crown and then talked for over an hour. Abe struggled in church on Sunday because they were discussing Pres Nelson’s talk to the women where he tells the women not to ever let anyone to tell them they are anything less than what they they are. In his head, Abe was thinking, “YOU and the very structure of the church is the main messenger of that message to these LDS women. Can’t we please get a shred of introspection in our leadership??”
I was also feeling wistful because that episode of the crown made me wish I had more faith. I have been toying with aetheism lately and feeling more cynical and, honestly, kind of hopeless. The last episode of The Crown featured the awful accident in wales where 116 children were buried alive in coal dust. I cried and just felt so miserable thinking that there is no justice or reparation for all of the senseless misery in the world.
In short, we concluded that maybe we should resolve our problems by changing to the Community of Christ church. Abe would still get the Book of Mormon and restoration tradition, but it would be a healthy church without all of the problems we have in the LDS church. They are transparent about the origin story, the BOM is optional and not literal, women are in leadership, and their values align with our family values. Among their pillars of belief, they include caring for the earth, social justice for the oppressed, historical transparency, radical inclusion, and financial transparency. It’s basically everything we wish the LDS church would be. So we’re going to try out the Provo branch next Sunday and see what we think. I so want my kids to be proud of their religious heritage, but I just can’t imagine how they ever could be when the LDS church is such a morally backward toxic mess. (Also, I don’t feel comfortable letting my girls go to young women. My memory of Young Women was constantly writing lists of what I wanted in a husband and tons of lessons about marriage and motherhood. I just don’t think it is appropriate to be telling twelve year old girls their highest value to society lies in their ability to reproduce.)
On Saturday I lounged around in my pajamas until, er, 3pm. I don’t remember everything I did but Abe got this picture of a cozy reading moment. I have been reading The Conscious Parent and have been trying to be more present with my kids. It is amazing how I actually perceive and see them completely differently when I am relaxed and mindful. It’s a great book.
At 3 I left for bikram yoga, and after working out so much all week it felt amazing to do bikram. Then I came home, showered, and helped get people ready to go to Betsy’s birthday party. She had it at the Neighborhood Art Center in Provo, and wow was it fun. There was delicious food everywhere and lots of stations to create. It encapsulated Betsy’s creativity, talent, and fun so perfectly.
Also I had the best conversation with a friend from Hyde Park. Sometimes I wonder if I misunderstood or came to the wrong conclusions about Jesus after reading books by Ehrman, Sanders, Aslan, Moffic, and N.T. Wright. But her husband went to the University of Chicago and is a professor that specializes in early Christianity, and he has come to the same conclusions I have. This was immensely validating to me because I don’t know any flesh and blood people who have studied the historical Jesus. It’s just not a thing Mormons do, and most don’t even know what the term, “historical Jesus” even means. So sometimes I think I’ve gone completely crazy and am all alone, but to find her husband, who is brilliant and has been educated at the best schools in the country, feels the same way I do was just so AMAZING. I wanted to give her a giant hug every five seconds and thank her for talking to me.
Also Abe made the best painting in the art room. Isn’t he talented?
Meanwhile we left Ammon at home with my mom. They had a peaceful, fun evening watching Dumbo together. (Ammon calls it “Jumbo.”)
It seemed like I spent a lot of time on Marco Polo on Friday. In the morning I worked out at the gym and then showed the old house to some prospective renters. In the evening I went back to the tile store and finished picking tile for the basement bathroom.
Abe and the other managers had to work from 6pm to 1am to do a last minute revision of the sales books for their reps. He cuddled with Clarissa before he left. We also ate Chinese food for Chinese New Year. (It went straight through Abe and me. Yikes!)
After Abe left the girls did their practice, and then I put down Clarissa and attempted to put Ammon to sleep too. Despite getting a lot of back scratches and listening to Enya, he couldn’t drift off, so I let him watch the new Aladdin with the girls and me. I loved cuddling with those three on the couch and felt so, so lucky all evening.
On Thursday I worked out on the bike in the morning and then did a lot of housework while listening to the end of Circe on Audible. It started off a little slow but I ended up absolutely loving it. I don’t think I will ever forget that book.
In the evening I took Lydia to her harp lesson. Abe also had a wonderful phone call with Dean Richardson and felt so, so happy afterward. He has been feeling a lot of existential angst and that conversation made him feel understood and validated.
I don’t remember much else from this day. I think I did a lot of laundry and cleaned the house a bunch.
On Wednesday Abe stayed home because we were up all Tuesday night with Clarissa, who puked twice. I slept in her bed for part of the night and even though I felt so bad for her, I loved cuddling with her and singing to her. She is such an adorable, sweet child.
In the afternoon Abe and I went to the tile store to pick out tile for the downstairs bathroom.
On the way there we got this adorable picture of Clarissa and Ammon together:
In the evening Mary had a performance class, and Abe took all the kids except Lydia with him while he dropped her off and cleaned the van for me. Lydia and I had a sweet time together. She practiced drawing next to me, and then she followed me around with her pen and paper while I puttered. I am so lucky to have this beautiful, talented, kind-hearted person as a daughter!
On Tuesday we had Michaelann and her boyfriend, Andy, over for a belated birthday dinner for Dr. King. We ate southern food and chatted for hours. They are such delightful people!
I don’t remember much of what happened before that, but I have this cute photo of Ammon and Clarissa dressed up from earlier in the day.
On Saturday Mary read Fantastic Mr. Fox from cover to cover. We have had a hard time finding books that draw her in, so this was huge! I thought a proper celebration was in order.
On Sunday I made chicken cordon bleu because it has all of the meats Mr. Fox stole from the farmers: chicken, ham, and bacon. Actually, I don’t eat ham so I put prosciutto in–and even then it was too much for me.
We had the Harmons over for dinner and afterwards the kids played and danced so nicely together. Hannah had this adorable little shark move that matched the Baby Shark song, and my favorite moment was when the dads came through the living en route to the basketball court. Both Abe and Steve were dancing to Baby Shark right along with their toddlers, and it was so cute.
Today everyone slept in after staying up late last night. I worked out and then organized the house with Abe for most of the day. I also read to the little kids while the girls did their reading after their music practice. Abe organized the garage (again) and we set up some new things around the house.
Most notably, Mary has a new little desk in my mom’s room. She is SO excited about it. She spends all of her free time with my mom coloring and just being with her Nana. So this is a very special desk that is all her own.
We spent the evening doing errands while Mary stayed home with Nana and used her new desk. All of the pictures we took today (and yesterday) accidentally got taken on a wrong phone setting, so we can’t put them in the blog. But we do have this cute picture of Clarissa!