On Monday I vacuumed out the car, did a bunch of laundry, watched parts of documentaries about India and Manet, sat with the girls during their practice, played with the kids, and talked with Abe a lot about Manet, the artist. In the evening my mom and Abe took the girls to the church to clean while I put Clarissa down, practiced the Poulenc trio, and day dreamed about a road trip I hope to take this summer.
In the meantime, Abe was attending an all day management training at work, and he learned that relationships are spherical. Whenever there is a conflict, we can only see our half of the sphere, so it is important to listen to the other person and try to understand what they see. And then, when we offer advice, we should offer it in a spirit of humility, knowing and articulating that our understanding of the situation is inherently limited.
Here are some pictures from the day.
These are from playing with Clarissa and Ammon in the morning. Clarissa was wearing a sweater with a sheep on it, and I put a pioneer bonnet on her to go with it. I about died from how cute she was and tried to get a Lil’ Bo Peep picture:

In the evening, Lydia and Mary colored in my mom’s room while Abe and I talked about Manet. Lydia came down and excitedly showed us this picture she had drawn of our family. She covered each face with a card that had a question mark on one side and a compliment on the other. The sweet compliments said that my mom was wise, Mary was energetic, Ammon was friendly, Clarissa was cute, I was helpful, and Abe was fun.

Also, Lydia’s dream came true today and she was nominated as Leader of the Week at school! Apparently there is a video but I can’t seem to access it. Here’s the letter we got about it:
Dear Parent:
Your daughter Lydia was nominated as the 2/3rd Grade class Leader of the Week during the week of November 5th! Due to technical difficulties, we could not send you the attached videos highlighting all of our school Leaders of the Week. Please take a moment to check it out!
Here are some of the reasons Lydia was chosen: She is helpful, good at making sure everyone feels included and happy, and does her classwork enthusiastically and on time. What a great example to her class!
She showed extra leadership skills that week by incorporating the Leader in Me Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind, at school and in her classroom.
We love having Lydia in our school. She is a great example to the other students!