One of my favorite new things about the school year is my morning routine with Ammon and Clarissa. It is so fun to be able to focus on just two kids! After the older girls are ready and downstairs, I bathe Ammon and Clarissa:

Then we eat breakfast, I tidy the kitchen, and we head back upstairs to read books, do puzzles, sing songs, and play.

After two hours, we are all ready for quiet time.
After quiet time, we ate and went to the library for some play time. I paid a ton of money for lost books and now am able to check out books again. Honestly, we pay so much in fines that I think it would almost make sense to just buy books…almost.

Ammon loved being a super hero at the library and wearing all of the dress-up capes. He also gave lots of puppet shows and touched my heart by cleaning up the puppets that one boy threw out of the stand. He also invited other kids to clean up with him. Of course, he also caused mischief by playing chase and running all around, but at the end of the day, he mostly made me so happy.
Clarissa also took her first looong walks today! Maybe all of the free floor space at the library inspired her. She took lots of walks, and she didn’t realize I was watching her, so she just clapped for herself at the end of each walk. It was too cute.
Then we picked up the girls and got Dairy Queen for our after school snack. Then we headed home for two hours of practice, after which Mary went to her lesson and the rest of the kids ate tacos, took baths, and got ready for bed. I folded a ton of laundry and cried to Abe about recent church developments that frustrate me.
Then we read scriptures and the girls are now coloring away in their rooms listening to Loreena McKennitt quietly. Lydia is making crowns for everyone in the family and Mary is making love notes.